I wasn't sure where to post this so here goes. I work with a ministry and have a lot of influence in the youth at my church so I'm curious to see peoples answers. Now don't take this the wrong way. I fully believe in the importance of scripture, but I'd prefer you answer out of practical experience and not out of what you've read or heard about someone else. Its a touchy topic so I would like to see no judgement. This isn't meant to be a thread to call out someone's sins be they past or present, or correct what you consider false logic.
So to the question: those of you who have had sex outside of marriage and have either been married or are married, what are the consequences you've experienced in your relationship because of your sin?
So to the question: those of you who have had sex outside of marriage and have either been married or are married, what are the consequences you've experienced in your relationship because of your sin?