Red tent needs a chaufor and break isolation.
I work very hard but not with my body/physical labour.
But I do have aged care certificate but not able get volunteer work even and was set up time i did work and could not take action as was alone amoung so many.
I advertised in papers my service of physical labour to visit some one at home and that way break there isolation and my isolation.
Even seemingly little things like cut nails and paint them can feel great for some one has difficulty moving or is depressed and does not get "to it".
So many beautiful good people are isolated and alone and may not get to church either or may had people spread lies of them also.
One can not communicate or connect with all people either.
Like some people are closed off and one can not communicate with them or speak same language and some people one wants nothing to do with isolate you from being with the people you do want be with.
For instance a muslima may not be muslim but forsed to be and not permited socialise with other people.She may be forsed be with people who isolate her and forse her and people she does not like who may steal from her..
Will pray we will not be alone and isolated anymore.
Our spirits can maybe meet "online" and communicate more so than writing and we can "feel each other".
"i feel ya bro" I feel yo sister"............
Oh who did i feel... " i felt red tent" or i felt vens etc......