Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

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Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • No

    Votes: 157 90.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 4 2.3%

  • Total voters


@rest of forum: Do you think there's more condemnation for homosexuals in the christian community rather than offering the message of salvation through Christ by example and love, ministering and care?

How would you feel if you walked in a church and there were gay people in the congregation? Would you walk away or sit and listen to their story?
I think that things are heavy on both sides of the issue and I think it is more of a reactionary thing. Homosexuals are asking for more rights (whatever that may mean....marriage is not a man made right but that's another topic) and people are responding, all be it, some are handling this completely wrong.

Regarding the church question, I don't know. If they are members I would walk away knowing that couldn't be my church home, because contrary to popular modern belief, the church is for the believers. But visitors pop into churches all of the time, so that goes back to my overall answer of I don't


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2011
The latest studies of Identical twins show one conclusion:


Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic | Life In HD - The Official Website For Pastor Holland Davis

Please read the link, it exposes the favorite lie of the gay community to justify their actions with many studies that show there is no connection or link between genetics and being gay.

Now, I do believe that some people have been abused, and many are the victims of pedophilia, making them think at a very young age they are gay. I knew a young man who was same sex abused for over a year at age 7, and he thought he was gay. Fortunately, he never acted on that thought when the abuse stopped, and he met a woman and fell in love and now has children.

I would definitely listen the story of a gay person. I would listen without condemnation, because I was once a terrible sinner, and I am only saved by the grace of God. But at the end, I would try and persuade them that they are not born gay, and God can set them free and set them straight.

Of course, they have to be willing to give up the gay lifestyle, and live for Christ.
Mar 4, 2013
No, because it is a learned practice. Much to my chagrin, it is usually something learned from Childhood that is not really something that they are aware of until they see the truth. Bottom line, the practice keeps one apart from God, but God can cure the practice. As far as what the Word of God says about it, this scripture should answer all questions about what God thinks of it.

Romans 1:27-28 (KJV)

[SUP]27 [/SUP]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
[SUP]28 [/SUP]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
@ oldhermit :I don't think you can learn to sin so to speak. We are born sinners as we have inherited it from Adam and Eve. I believe that although we are all born sinners we have a chance to become born again.
Wrong. Man is a sinner by reason of participation not inheritance.

@rest of forum: Do you think there's more condemnation for homosexuals in the christian community rather than offering the message of salvation through Christ by example and love, ministering and care?
I am all for teaching the homosexual community about the grace of God. This means that their sin must be confronted, not just by the one who teaches them but by them as well.

How would you feel if you walked in a church and there were gay people in the congregation? Would you walk away or sit and listen to their story?
If you are asking me if I would accept a practicing and unrepentant homosexual into our worship and embrace him as a brother the answer in no!

I am not going to sit here and present you with a list of all of the scriptures that reveal how God views this matter. Since you have discussed this before in open forum I have no doubt you have already been confronted with all of these passages. The fact that you are still trying to defend this behavior tells me that you are not interested in what God has said on the subject and that you are going to continue to defend and justify the behavior no matter what God has said about it and hold God in contempt for judging both the behavior and those who engage in it as well as those who defend it. .


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
I am not going to sit here and present you with a list of all of the scriptures that reveal how God views this matter. Since you have discussed this before in open forum I have no doubt you have already been confronted with all of these passages. The fact that you are still trying to defend this behavior tells me that you are not interested in what God has said on the subject and that you are going to continue to defend and justify the behavior no matter what God has said about it and hold God in contempt for judging both the behavior and those who engage in it as well as those who defend it. .

what behaviour do you think I justify from my posts?


Senior Member
May 17, 2013
How was Sodom and Gomorrah treated? God considers it an abomination. That is a very strong word. Men are not born that way and the bible says clearly that they choose to be that way. Romans 1 even goes so far to say that they know God hates it but they do it anyway.

Do not try to justify sodomy by comparison to other sins. Even the least sin results in man's eternal condemnation. Guys and gals that leave the natural use and burn in their lust toward themselves are not natural. Fornicators and adulterers are sinners and under condemnation but it seems that these are more remorseful and repentant than the sodomites. I may be wrong in my observation but that is what I have observed. It's a personal opinion and not bible dogma.

For the cause of Christ
Mar 4, 2013
This is an ongoing debate that has risen into the christian community since the recent law changes. Which has resulted in a lot of divisions in the church.

My question is do you think that God views homosexuality as a sin or not and why? Are some people born homosexual thus making it completely natural and not a choice or is it an inherited sin in which we are born with like the rest of sins and essentially one has to be 'born again'?

I am really interested in people's viewpoints

I apologise if this question has been asked many times before as I am new to this forum.

Thanks for replying in advance :)
I didn't notice, until now, that you started the thread, so I have to back up to Romans 1:24-26 (KJV)
[SUP]24 [/SUP]Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
[SUP]25 [/SUP]Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[SUP]26 [/SUP]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:


They need to ask for forgiveness, just like sexual immorality, adultery, lying, cheating, and all others sins WE do need forgiven. :)

1 John 1:9
Romans 8:28
Galatians 5 is powerful Scripture too.
So, who died and made you God ? God said it's a sin. Period. Read your bible, it's in there. But God is not condemning the PERSON who is gay, they are human, don't be silly, it's the ACT , just like ANY OTHER SIN, and, some sins, on Earth, obviously, carry greater consequences, but a sin is a sin is a sin.

They all require ONE thing: going to God for forgiveness and turning from it. We want to bring glory to God in our ACTions on Earth. We WANT to produce fruit, with His Spirit received, living in us, our being "in the Spirit" is the way we live our lives 'differently,' we LIVE our lives solely for Him :)
This lil' poem just for you Green (cause you're talkin' to yerselfs again in post #16)

Roses are red,...
Violets are blue,...
I'm schizophrenic,...
And so am I :cool:

Oct 22, 2011
How would you feel if you walked in a church and there were gay people in the congregation? Would you walk away or sit and listen to their story?
The Word of God is very clear on this matter. Have you not read these verses concerning those who continue to do these things?
1Co 5:11
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if and man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one not no to eat.
1Co 5:12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
1Co 5:13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

If a person who commits these things turns away from their wickedness and gives glory to God bearing witness of how the Lord healed them then I would sit there and listen to their testimony. But if an individual who continues in these things does not repent and turn away from their disobedience to God's Word then I would walk out and not return to that church for they are in disobedience to God's Word. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?



Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
Everything you have said in you posts is in defense of the homosexual and the justification of his behavior. You also charge those who would condemn this behavior with wrongdoing.

I haven't actually said my opinion yet, so I guess now's the time to post it.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin, a sin that God has clearly stated through scriptures. I also believe that God is our moral compass and that without God our moral absolutes are not defined.

In reference to my other question if a homosexual person was in a congregation I attended would I leave? The answer is no.

I would be interested in listening to that person's story and everyone else's in the congregation. Also, If an unrepentant homosexual entered my church I would also welcome them as I would feel blessed that that person has had the chance to meet my church family so to speak , I would welcome the person to my house groups and to my home for dinner and hopefully make them feel at home.

The reason why I would do that is because I feel that this person would have a chance to be saved, through the blessings, welcomes and friendships received from my church. As for them being eventually saved..... i'll leave that to God :) Hopefully they would experience what true christianity is about :)

Please read back my previous posts and realise that I wasn't supporting homosexuality but supporting the love of the gospel

God bless


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
I haven't actually said my opinion yet, so I guess now's the time to post it.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin, a sin that God has clearly stated through scriptures. I also believe that God is our moral compass and that without God our moral absolutes are not defined.

In reference to my other question if a homosexual person was in a congregation I attended would I leave? The answer is no.

I would be interested in listening to that person's story and everyone else's in the congregation. Also, If an unrepentant homosexual entered my church I would also welcome them as I would feel blessed that that person has had the chance to meet my church family so to speak , I would welcome the person to my house groups and to my home for dinner and hopefully make them feel at home.

The reason why I would do that is because I feel that this person would have a chance to be saved, through the blessings, welcomes and friendships received from my church. As for them being eventually saved..... i'll leave that to God :) Hopefully they would experience what true christianity is about :)

Please read back my previous posts and realise that I wasn't supporting homosexuality but supporting the love of the gospel

God bless
I wish you had been more clear about your position from the beginning. I could only gather from you posts the conclusions I stated. Thank you for clearing this up.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
this is true, but we have to be very carefull about making people feel like what they are doing is o.k. I agree with you about being nice to them and hearing their story. but we must stop short of acting like it is fine.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
this is true, but we have to be very carefull about making people feel like what they are doing is o.k. I agree with you about being nice to them and hearing their story. but we must stop short of acting like it is fine.
Indeed. I hope I have not left the impression that I would be unkind.
Oct 22, 2011
Indeed. I hope I have not left the impression that I would be unkind.
I don't think it's a matter of being unkind but being obedient to God's Word. Many people have a zeal to keep the church spotless, without blemish. But sadly the politically minded attitude that has entered many churches are leading many astray.


But it is a sin. The devil has glamorized it through Hollywood and glorified it to the point that even Christians are starting to doubt the Word. It is so crystal clear in the Bible, God did not sugar coat it at all or leave any misunderstanding when ministering his Word and feeling about homosexuality. It is part of a lifestyle of sin one must be delivered from and like all other sins, God is the only one who can deliver us from sin. I don't know if a man or woman is actually born gay, but the Bible also makes it clear that we are ALL born into sin/born sinners and whether one is gay or not, he/she has to repent and be born again through Christ regardless. So, gays can't justify being born gay (of no fault of their own). I wasn't born gay, but I was still born a sinner of no fault of my own. This was Adam's doing, but I can't even blame Adam! All man is born into sin and has to make the choice to accept or reject Christ. If we accept Him He has the power to deliver us from ALL of our sin, no matter what it is. All of the gay people I know are such great human beings and so doggone fun to be around, it saddens me that the Bible condemns their lifestyle, but if God says it's's wrong and that message needs to be relayed while still respecting the individual, because God still loves them, so Christians are to love them, but it is still a sin.


I haven't actually said my opinion yet, so I guess now's the time to post it.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin, a sin that God has clearly stated through scriptures. I also believe that God is our moral compass and that without God our moral absolutes are not defined.

In reference to my other question if a homosexual person was in a congregation I attended would I leave? The answer is no.

I would be interested in listening to that person's story and everyone else's in the congregation. Also, If an unrepentant homosexual entered my church I would also welcome them as I would feel blessed that that person has had the chance to meet my church family so to speak , I would welcome the person to my house groups and to my home for dinner and hopefully make them feel at home.

The reason why I would do that is because I feel that this person would have a chance to be saved, through the blessings, welcomes and friendships received from my church. As for them being eventually saved..... i'll leave that to God :) Hopefully they would experience what true christianity is about :)

Please read back my previous posts and realise that I wasn't supporting homosexuality but supporting the love of the gospel

God bless
I would say that is the right thing to what would you do if that person refuses to change but wants to still hangout and fellowship with all the so loving Christians?, at what point do you "draw the line"?
Aug 9, 2013
If we you live under premise of Augustine with original sin, then we are all born with a disposition to sin. Scripture does state in passages that curses through sin can be passed on from generation to generation. However, we while we may have a curse of certain sins in our family (addictions you may call them) like alcoholism or promiscuity, the Lord calls us to make a choice to live for him. We are called to put off the old man and put on the new man. He calls us to renew our minds from the Spirit of the world and become a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1,2). We learn how to sin as we learn how to live in Christ. We may struggle with certain propensities toward certain sins like the possible thorn in Paul's flesh, yet Christ is able to help us over come sin Hebrews 4 "[SUP]14 [/SUP]Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. [SUP]15 [/SUP]For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. [SUP]16 [/SUP]Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Is it okay for a pedophile to say I should be able to have sex with children because I was born that way??? We do not allow alcoholics, drug addicts, or pedophiles use the excuse that I was born that way as a reason to sin. Comparing bigotry against a person because of their skin color toward someone being gay, is an insult to the person of color!!! An addict to drug will tell you that they are an addict for life and that everyday day they do not use drugs is a victory for them and at times a struggle. HMMMMM Here's a thought maybe someone's homosexual desires could be the same daily overcoming like the victories and struggles and victories of a drug addict on a daily basis. May I remind you Paul's thorn in the flesh. I agree that the hate followers of Christ preach against homosexuals is sin and wrong in itself because God hates all sin equally. Sin is sin no matter what it is and all sin causes us to fall short of the measure of the law. Thank Yahew for the grace that comes through Yeshua. But, it would also be a sin to not preach the truth of Law (Ezekiel 3:16-19) that when individuals perform acts of homosexuality is a sin!!! However, the people who may have desires for using drugs, performing homosexual acts, or getting involved in any acts of sin is not a sin of it self. It is when you do not submit these desires Christ that it becomes a sin. The revivals of the Great Awakenings came about when men about to God FIRST WHEN CONVICTED OF THIER SIN CONDENMING THEM TO HELL BEFORE COMING TO THE SAVING LOVE AND GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST. AS I WRITING THIS A RHEMA WORD FROM GOD (WORD OF KNOWLEDGE WHATEVER YOU CALL IT ) FROM ANCIENT FAITH RADIO AND I QUOTE " AN ADICTT DOES NOT SEEK TO CHANGE UNTIL THEY HAVE GONE THROUGH THE PAIN OF THIER ADDICTION." HMMM until a person feels the pain of their problem do they know they have a problem.
2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
WOW!!! Jesus became our sin that we may come to know his righteousness and know the power of his Resurrection. Let us seek to be holy as He is Holy. Amen.
Oct 22, 2011
I would say that is the right thing to what would you do if that person refuses to change but wants to still hangout and fellowship with all the so loving Christians?, at what point do you "draw the line"?
It is God's Word that draws the line. It is willful disobedience to God's Word. If that person stands in disobedience to His Word then we are instructed what we must do. And it is disobedience to God's Word to allow those who willfully continue to commit such things unrepentant to remain within the congregation.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
I would say that is the right thing to what would you do if that person refuses to change but wants to still hangout and fellowship with all the so loving Christians?, at what point do you "draw the line"?

Good question. I'd say, first of all in this hypothetical situation, there would be a reason why this person has chosen to come to my church, maybe God inspired or hopefully we are setting a good example or some other reason. Either way it's excellent that this person has chosen my church as there are plenty other churches now in today's society that are pro-gay. Therefore I would be pleased and excited that there is an opportunity for another person to be saved! And that I get to witness it. I love watching baptisms and hearing their testimony, knowing that they grew spiritually stronger in church and I witnessed it :) a true blessing!

That being said although we don't support the teachings of gay marriage, I would hope we would be subtle and tolerant to that person attending our church and that we would graciously teach the gospel in a loving and open way. Let's face it, we all have something in common and that is we are 'broken' and that's why we are professed christians choosing to repent. ( we were that person once ,seeking Christ)

I certainly hope the person would learn the gospel and furthermore become saved by believing in Christ.
If he/she eventually believes in Christ and confesses it with their heart , I have no doubt that the holy spirit will guide that person.

But to sum it up, your question is where would I draw the line? The answer is, I wouldn't draw the line, God would -if that's his will.
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