I think this
article says things nicely. In this day and age, Feminism dominates and tells men AND women that women should be strong, forceful and sexy...take charge. God intended for men to lead, to be the headship, to be strong...so,
in my opinion, women shouldn't pursue and chase men or ask men out.
I had to bold it since some of you seemed to think that I was speaking for you and 'letting you know' what you thought. Nope. Just my opinion, as I stated in my original post. Yeah. Sorry...frustrates me how some folks can't state their opinions without being mocked or replied to with snarky comments. So, you know, just for clarification sake, this is my opinion...not yours...not your thoughts, but rather my thoughts, which, last time I checked, I was entitled to.*
*I apologize for my somewhat cranky tirade...sometimes the crazy comes out and shouts at the world, "Look at me! Look at me!" and...well...the world can't help but look.