I only have a few minutes and I've only read a few more posts than I had yesterday, so I'll just start where I left off and type more later (my posting habits are generally like this).
Oh, and first of all, one member saw what I had asked him, but PM'd me the answer, as he didn't want to keep watching the thread due to not being on here a lot, so, thanks, you
Decyple, I think I'm remembering the correct misspelling of your screen name now; it occurred to me yesterday after I logged out "wait, I did a boo-boo on his name, I think". Are you going to start another "Canada versus the world" thread over the mistake? If so, can the US have a head start because we're so out of shape that it'll take us a long time to catch up?
Ken/Thomas, I'm surprised that you're surprised that I would ask you that, Mr. ... um, I can't think of a good name. But since PopClick said that because of one of your posts, you would have to be friends with her, what does that tell ya about exploding toilets and the like? Oh, and I erased the rant I typed up about the kid nearly pointing the gun at this dad instead of using precautions for safety like I was taught to do when learning gun safety. So, thank you for the video *faints dead away*.
*revives to continue typing*
Amiee, I'm sorry to read that about the Lupus
. I've met a number of people with it, and they seem to generally do rather well, as far as medical problems go. I know a little bit about it, not much. I was trying to decide what to put, and it occurred to me that what you said about the finances is the same about medical issues; Jesus is there, so it's a whole lot easier to deal with problems when you have Him
. I assume that stays on your mind, since you didn't seem wrecked by the tentative diagnosis *high 5s and hugs*
. I love psychology as well; I hope that goes well for you.
I'd better scoot now; bblLw, peeps.