Yes, I already spoke my piece on this relationship advice stuff and I pray it was His piece for me to speak, the Lord leads.
But, yes, we should probably not speak about divorce if we've had four of them already, as, there are rare exceptions. And, the Lord DOES lead you if you've been through divorces plural, or, even one divorce. Let's say you did an isolated thing wrong in your past marriage relationship that ended with one of your four wives and can warn someone who appears to be heading toward the same disaster. And, by now, those of divorce should know that going things opposite the Lord's way will NEVER head of disaster.
So is that to say that someone single has never been in a relationship and would have nothing to offer because they aren't currently in a relationship.
It seems to me wisdom isn't always about experience. Because someone has gone through something doesn't mean they learned anything. Or that they can be helpful.
By the way, this post pretty much talks about me since i will comment on things i haven't personally been through, but i am still able to offer valuable advice. Sometimes better than those who have been through things themselves.
Ugly says things well above and I speak, regarding relationships, from a very INexperienced state, simply never been in one, let alone 'them,' and , my words speak from how God's shown me others' mistakes in relationships. Plus, I KNOW I have no kids and that's because I've never been with a girl for you know what.
I certainly don't claim to know a lot of things about relationships and, some threads I don't comment on because why bother when I have no idea about that 'stuff.' but, if the Lord prompts me , then, I WILL comment as I'm led.
I am not sure what 'family forum' issue was that was upsetting one of my bros on c.c. here, it was about relationship advice for a divorce, I think he said. But, I agree that giving advice in a situation where you've been through a divorce is, sometimes, often, not the best thing for one to do. That person is speaking, sometimes, from a skewed perspective.
Notice I said 'sometimes.'
I think, though, too, that person having gone through a divorce can give excellent advice, too, IF they've learned exactly what killed their marriage and, hopefully, I don't upset people but, I think, almost 100% of the time, when something does go wrong in a marraige, like infidelity, that sex outside of marriage act happens because one person doesn't pay attention to the other or won't have (withholds) sex with them because mad at them or something similar . God even says, unless you're wife has engaged in 'sexual immorality,' you should not divorce her, for you make HER (not just you) an adulterer.
I say this in kind. I say this in Love, the Lord leads, and, I'm not speaking like I'm perfect, I've got plenty of things, yes, sins, that I'm less than proud of in my life, but, again, the Spirit is WHO leads all our lives and IF you are doing your best to follow Him then He will do things perfect for you , not to mention, when you come to Him, He does forgive us our sins, not just forgive either, but cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). And, He also throws our sins into 'the sea of forgetfulness.' Remembered NO more
"His mercies are NEW every morning."
And, I don't make light of divorce and marriage things, I ADMIRE those who have been in a marriage or are in one, I KNOW it's a lot of work, and, so, don't think I'm heaping guilt, shame on you of past mistakes. I'm not, that I hope and pray
I simply am saying what I feel led to say by Him and, for ALL of us, the truth hurts, sometimes. It hurts us all, for all our areas of sin. We just have to realize that that is God working on us to come to Him to take that 'wound' away from our heart . He will, too, IF we love Him with all our heart, not to mention body (our bodies are "a temple of the Holy Spirit"), and, soul, and, mind, and, strength.