Well SeoulSearch,
The title is rather ambigious.
Does it mean the women is overweight because of the fact of being pregnant or gaining weight as a result of pregnancy? Somebody will likely tell me I'm arrogant and when I say this but the woman should've had this figured out even before marrying the guy. If he does leave her then it has all sorts of implications. If they being Christian this is outside Gods will. It just seemed a bit shallow to me. I would think a pregnant couple would have more to worry about than what the scales are registering.
Chainhand: there is nothing going on in my life. I've never had kids and never married. I react like this at things that are superficial. It's a flaw.
I can only apologize if anybody was offended.
In response to the title being "ambiguous", this is why I take the time to include a thread and a poll to go along with the title.
There is only so much that can be said in a title... So I trust that reading through my entire original post made it a little more clear as to what I was talking about, seeing as I cited several real life (as in, people I knew) examples. Reading this first post will address your questions as to what I had in mind, but other ideas are welcome.
As far as knowing ahead of time in certain situations, I think this is, unfortunately, something that many of us, even Christians, assume. We think we know... or how we'll react... and then, real life hits. The young man with every intention of loving his wife through anything sees that she's gained 50 pounds during their pregnancy... and suddenly, that willowy co-worker who says "hello" to him every morning starts to look like more than just a co-worker. It may not happen with every couple, but I think it happens more often than many are willing to admit, and yes, even to Christian couples.
I do appreciate that you did not want to offend... However, if I may? I've read several of your posts here in singles and know that you feel very rejected by women (I write this publicly only because you have stated your experiences publicly, otherwise, I wouldn't say anything.) I am very sorry that at times you have been mistreated or written off.
However, saying that you "react like this at things that are superficial"...
At times, we all wonder why we're single.
Maybe sometimes... the answer is right there in front of us... And God is gently nudging as at what He can help us change.
To everyone who hates seeing old threads resurrected, as I stated before, I'm not the one who resurrects them but I do often re-read them because they remind me of people I need to check up on, pray for, or thank God that He saw the situation through. I never put a time limit on my threads because something that might not apply to the current crowd on CC today might very well apply to someone new who joins the site later. I've had this happen a few times myself--I'm going through a new situation and reading old threads because these people have already walked through them and it's comforting to know someone else might know what to do when I don't.
However, if the mods ever decide to close out threads or polls due to a lapse in time, of course, it's best left to their discernment.