You have a long way to go kiddo 
There are much pleasures and worries of this world ahead of you to keep you from obeying this commandments and the other 9. Any "decent" carrier/job requires one to break one or more. Yes, the noises around you too.
Hold on to His grace and guidance and do not look left or right - that's all I can say.
Take care!
There are much pleasures and worries of this world ahead of you to keep you from obeying this commandments and the other 9. Any "decent" carrier/job requires one to break one or more. Yes, the noises around you too.
Hold on to His grace and guidance and do not look left or right - that's all I can say.
Take care!
Keeping the Sabbath by attending church is already a great challenge. My dad and stepmom do not believe and think my faith in God is foolish. This combined with living in a very remote secluded place make attending church at times very difficult. When I absolutely can't get there, I try to share Bible lessons with my little brothers. My mom is oposed to them hearing God's word so I often get in trouble and just spend my day in prayer and song for God alone accept for Christ in my room.
At school I am ridiculed for speaking of Christ and outcast for not doing sinful things. All this is simply not a big deal! For Jesus loves me and gives me strength. Part of the out casting in fairness is do to my extremely bad stutter. I tend to speak very little because it is difficult to express much and can lead to teasing.
Will I face many more trials as you mentioned? Yes, I think so.. Life gets harder not easier, or so it appears. Yet each day that I have grown in understanding Christ it has become easier. His love shrouds me from harm. As for career, I hope to teach music! God has blessed me musically even with the gift of song. By His grace when I sing my stutter is gone. Of course plans and dreams may not come... I may have to take a job that requires me to work on God's Holy Day. Thankfully He loves me and I believe will hear my prayers and see to me being free to worship Him.
Sin is everywhere... Temptation for me is overcome by focus on God... When David had God focus giants fell, when David did not have, he stumbled and fell. Yet God always picked him up. Of course I am nothing in comparison to King David. But may God bless me with such grace, mercy and never ending love.
Thank you for this message and I will each day remember as you suggested and do my best to "hold on to His grace and guidance and not look left or right" I just put this in my journal... It means a lot to me. Thank you for the love and well wishing.
Love you,