Jamuel, You are right, Jesus was, is and always will be Perfect, but the problem with not familiarizing yourself with the WHOLE word of God, is that you don't get the whole picture. Paul said in Eph.1.10 "that in the DISPENSATION OF THE FULLNESS OF TIMES he might gather together all things in Christ--", and verse 22 '--and gave him to be THE HEAD over all things to the Church", which Col.1.18 wt 1 Cor.12.14-20 affirms we are the body of Christ, but just as surely as Isa.53 prophesies Christ, doesn't Isa.1.6-7 describe the condition of that body and the world today? Why did Jesus say in Matt.7 "Enter ye in at the straight gate for --narrow is the way which leadeth to life, and FEW there be that find it"? What could be the reason he tells those who did miracles and many wonderful works in his name, that he never knew them? Oh oh oh, the winds of doctrine blow(Eph.4.14, 2 Cor.11.4-14-15) they blow in lies, while the floods out of the serpents mouth(Rev.12.15-17) dilute the water of life(Jn.4.14, 7.38, 15.3, 17.17 wt Eph.5.26).
In familiarizing myself with the whole word of God, I found that God gave us Sabbaths to identify that he IS our God(Ex.31.13-17), and that is what actually drew me into wanting to keep the seventh day Sabbath as well as all the feasts, AND to give up up using the pagan names in the common calendar that violates Ex.23.13 all day every day. Grant it, it is a VERY narrow path, and it does not over-ride Rom.10.13 "for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved", but it should be noted that where Acts 4.12 makes it clear that "there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved", that Ps.138.2 says "--for thou hast magnified thy WORD above ALL thy name". ...Probably where John 1.1-3-14 wt Jn.17.8 comes in. Also Ps.104.30 with John 6.63 & 2 Cor.5.19-15. Matt.4.4"man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that procedeth out of the mouth of the Lord", James 1.21 "--receive with meeknes the ENGRAFTED word that is able to save your souls".
God's grace to you
Hashem Tzidkeinu