You, at least, got the 100% number right, and, I hope this speaks in love, wisebeardedone
100% of the time that a person who is an abuser gives that abuse to Christ, just like gives their smokes, their crack, their meth, their PCP, their porn addiction, God REMOVES it ! Gone, in His 'due time,' God does things, per Scripture, but, He will NOT allow that person to go on abusing IF they TURN to Him. Period, end of story, but, I got more to say and I pray you let these words both sink in and filtered by His Loving embrace that goes through your heart, which His Holy Spirit is in, and, also, did you know, you have 'the mind of Christ.'
The Lord leads......"Dear Lord....Amen"
Now, if that person who is with an addiction, like of the ones said above, just a short list there, but, if that person does not turn things over to God as He leads them to go to, like maxmilliansmart said, 'marriage counseling,' or, doesn't got to AA if drinking's the addiction, then, there's ZERO PERCENT hope that the marriage will work.
The willingness to surrender all is the key, and, Hisservantstriker said things very well, too, as IF Christ was not in the believer's life, if they were not doing things to change, like in AA, like attending church, like seeing the pastor, then, there's a serious problem WITH THAT BELIEVER's walk.
But, to put someone in a box and just say, 5% will turn around. No, that's NOT the Christian response, brothers and sisters, is it ?
So, and, am I trying make people feel like what they said is shaming or blaming?No, like I said, at the beginning of the post, I speak in love and it's His love in me that I speak to you, I hope and pray, the Lord leads, let His Spirit lead you, for in His power is so great a grace, so great an understanding, so great a mercy, so great a way to get the abuser to change. 100% change . And, if you go around with a 5% attitude, guess what! That person who's abused someone, in your mind, will never have a chance to change
YOU don't change them remember, you don't think of changing them, you don't pre-determine changing them, YOU let God change them and you be supportive of them changing, and, praying for them, that they can change, because they surely can CHANGE because ALL things are POSSIBLE with Christ
Sorry, if I cap things for emphasis too much for some of ya, but, it's important for you to socially understand that your feelings on this subject are, indeed, your feelings, let's not knock them, they are true, they are yours, but, you also are a Christian and you are to love EVERYONE, your 'neighbor' is everyone. It's not just your good neighbor or your bad neighbor, it's ALL your neighbors.
LOVE your neighbor, an abuser is your neighbor, too, Webster's classifies a 'neighbor' as a 'fellow human.' So, that abuser NEEDS your support to change. YOU LET God condemn them, don't you DARE do that
Don't let psychology of man write that neighbor off, so they say they have a 5% chance of changing, it is absolutely a 100% chance of changing IF they have Christ in their life and are seeking Him !