@ persNickety...totally can understand yer' venting. That completely stinks.
@ Fenner...I will pray that you are delivered from Ponyville ASAP. lol I mean,srsly..no one should have to deal with that many Ponies all the time. ( I have no idea what I am saying right now )
In other "news"...
I woke up this morning with my mind in a haze...sort of a jumbled mess of thoughts.
Ever just feel like you want to just...I dunno,collapse into a heap & have a strange sort of meltdown? lol
I want to do so many things,and just feel like there's this weight...I hate feeling held back. Ugh..I'm not even making sense today. I asked God this morning to just HELP me deal. Sometimes thing's seem like they have no real solutions. This can be frustrating.
I have to daily just say..."ok,I'm not going let all this junk keep me from loving...from being joyful...and mostly from being thankful."
Yeah...thing's look pretty bad at the moment...could I use some major miracle like a loaves & fishes type thingy...ummm heck yeah! But yanno..in all of my "lack" or "need" right now......................
There are things in my life right now that He is & has blessed me with..."miracles" in a different way,and with things on an emotional level that I had prayed & asked Him for back when I was 18 yrs old that are now coming to bloom.
God's timing is always right. No matter how much I want Him to do thing's when I want them. It doesn't matter. I have constrained God & His blessings so many times in my life...and many times I'm sure when I didn't even realize I had. Even through my not trusting Him for a "good christian woman" and basically turning my back on Him to bring along side me all those things I desired in a partner...He still blessed me & my non-believing ex (even if she didn't realize it) So yeah...God is still faithful,and awesome to us even when we sin..or miss the mark. The sin,blocks us from seeing the blessing..but I truly believe that God is still pouring out those blessings...we just can't receive them because we are too busy holding onto all this other junk in our hearts & minds.
This is a stoooooooooopid thing I suppose...and I know I am rambling on here...but I was just so blessed & happy & thrilled to read what Descyple posted last night concerning himself & Azure. It makes no real sense to me...but I really rejoice with them in that they have "found" one another. That God brought two people from completely different worlds so to speak together. They are both wonderful people...funny...smart...crazy. Clearly both love God as well.
I say all this because it's an example of just another thing God has used to bless me with. Even though my life is kinda a mess right now...seeing something like that,just blesses me.
I think when you are stripped of all you know...or cling to..no matter what thought process you think you have about how God will do things...or why...or when...He can just suddenly amaze you with something more beautiful and wonderful than you could have ever in your wildest dreams imagined. It just takes opening your eyes & your heart.
Thinking I need another cup of coffee...but yeah,ummm...
sometimes I'd like to just punch life right in the face & tell it to chill out.