There are godly men and women out there. It is hard to see them because godliness doesn't make headlines. There are many faithful husbands and wives. My grandparents on both sides of my family were/are faithful to each other. In this day and age, the only news that is shared is the bad news. Gossip is like oxygen to people. So, they won't tell you about happy marriages. Oh, no. Just the cheaters.
It is hard to be in your place, Jruiz. I can't even imagine it.

But, as others have said, stay firm and believe. For me, cheating wasn't my 'fear' in regards to marriage...abuse was. God had to tell me, "Not all men hit." When He told me that, it was a shocking revelation. Others probably think, "Well, duh." but when one has something in their life that is negative and expected, when truth is spoken and breaks the lie, it is revolutionary.
So, I believe God wants me to say to you, Jruiz, "Not all men cheat." That is truth.