Lol the suspect said people say I'm crazy.....
If I walk my theology out and see healings in stores, malls, people houses. My wife who "had" scoliosis..
Is that a perfect theology? I just wonder why people don't do the same. I'm nothing special we all have the same spirit.. All is for the glory of God
It's one thing to go out there, being willing to be used for God, making yourself available for His service, and following His lead to pray for people.
It's another to claim that people have to be healed just because you pray for them (that God has to obey you and do what you say), or to claim that we can do everything that Jesus did, or to make healing, signs, and wonders your main focus.
We can be empowered by the Holy Spirit without necessitating that Jesus was merely human while on earth.
You see, people in the NAR teach that our main goal as Christians is to do signs and wonders. That is the gospel they preach, and that is what they emphasize. They make it all about us instead of all about Jesus. They pull Jesus down to our level, and us up to His level.
In order to maintain their theology, they have to teach that Jesus was just a man who was empowered by the Holy Spirit. They say that He was just like us, and we are just like Him. They try to copy all of His miracles just to prove that they are no different from Jesus. They boast about how they can push away storms or walk on water or how many people they have healed.
If they believed that Jesus was God in the flesh while on earth, then they would have to acknoweldge that there is a difference between us and Him, and He wouldn't be our buddy to go and party with. He would be God. It also means that we wouldn't need to copy all His miracles, etc....and ultimately it would mean that Christianity was not all about us. We would no longer be the stars of the show.
The Holy Spirit can and does empower people, but it is always for His purpose and for His glory. Not for ours.