*hugs* if your really 21 like your profile says then it is not forever, who knows maybe you will meet your partner this year or next year or soon.
Keep praying that you have someone
& have faith in God, if its possible ask him to meet them soon or for you to be patient for when the time is right for him to make yall two meet =D
When you get to thinking that you will end up alone start praying & ask God to make that feeling go Away, ask him for forgiveness & pray for that one person to be safe so when the time is right for yall to meet & hit it off good =D
Now as for me, when you put it like that in your title it does scare me a little but with the life i feel God wants me to walk maybe there is someone for me or maybe theres not
Either way i feel that im prapared even though i know in time i will start to miss that one person being there that everyone around me will most likely have. So im starting to pray to God that theres someone there for me.
Im 18 about to turn 19 & NEVER had a relation ship. The longest boyfriend i had was 2 months =/ & we dint talk for like a whole month before i broke it off, so really it was 1 month T_T
Now im keeping my EYES out O_O for christian single guys around my age
Theres one i have my eyes on but we arnt even close