You sound so cool and interesting. I dont really understand why you dont have many girls after you. If you can look into groups of peep with the same interests. Witty intellligent conversations can scare some girls off or turn some girls on to you. Having confidence is SO IMPORTANT. Even if you can try to fake the confidence, that is a good idea. You already have the cool personality, so be confident in that...most girls are not as COOL as you true dat. Just because they are pretty or dress well, mayby they do not know alot about things in general and are insecure about intelligent things...mayby you can use that to your advantage.
So, witty intelligent conversations scare girls off. Makes sense why they don't want to talk to me. Also makes sense why I don't have much respect for girls.
I am always going to be me. I am an intellectual. I like Sherlock Holmes, 19th century England, mystery books, classical novels, science, history, politics, philosophical discussions. If girls my age think that is uncool and they want themselves a playboy who is like suuuuuuuuper hot,and like a suuuuper idiot, who is obsessed with sports and gets high or drunk on a daily basis. Look seriously who needs them?
Enjoy being cheated on. They just lost a very honest loyal guy who would never cheat. But hey, I seem to be getting a vibe that most girls actually like being cheated on because it gives them something to talk about with their friends.