'to believe' is an action (verb). 'Work' is another word for 'deed' in Scripture. One must perform the deed of 'to believe' concerning the Son to receive salvation. Without such an action of believing, there is no salvation. And as you would agree, a dead faith is no faith at all. Faith must be active in hearkening (opposite of stubbornness).
Yes, they follow 'to believe', seeing that one must believe before they would perform the others mentioned.
What happens if I do not hearken to the Lord leading me, as some of the Hebrews did?
What happens if I do not come to know His ways while leading me, as some of the Hebrews did?
That is, what happens to one with a stubborn heart, while being lead by the Lord, as some of the Hebrews had?
Therefore, it says that we are to watch over each other so that sort of heart will not be found in us. If we are warned of such, then we must hearken to the Lord, come to know His ways, follow the Shepherd, and by all means, trust Him or else we too can fall in the 'wilderness'.