Hey everybody...
Ok, we're currently tackling the topic of pornography in another thread... so, something I'm wondering that's seen as a more common "female problem" (although of course, guys can struggle with this too) are eating disorders.
As I wrote in another post, this has been a personal struggle for me all my life. I went through all sorts of phases with different experiments of most of the "eating disorder" behaviors... but my main problems now are going back and forth between the extremes of skipping food for a while or consuming most anything I can get my hands on. (I don't make myself throw up--went through that phase in high school but soon stopped because it was too painful.) I've sought counseling and help at numerous points in my life, and from many different angles... I'm striving to find balance and a healthy outlook towards eating, and I keep regular appointments with the doctor to keep myself accountable.
What do you all think, especially the guys, about dating or marrying someone with eating disorder issues? Would you avoid it at all costs, want to work with the person in their path to seek help, etc? Would it depend on where they're at in their struggle? How would you feel if someone tried to hide it from you and you found out after some time that this is something they struggle with?
I'm very interested in your thoughts--both men and women, whether you're the one with similar issues or not.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, we're currently tackling the topic of pornography in another thread... so, something I'm wondering that's seen as a more common "female problem" (although of course, guys can struggle with this too) are eating disorders.
As I wrote in another post, this has been a personal struggle for me all my life. I went through all sorts of phases with different experiments of most of the "eating disorder" behaviors... but my main problems now are going back and forth between the extremes of skipping food for a while or consuming most anything I can get my hands on. (I don't make myself throw up--went through that phase in high school but soon stopped because it was too painful.) I've sought counseling and help at numerous points in my life, and from many different angles... I'm striving to find balance and a healthy outlook towards eating, and I keep regular appointments with the doctor to keep myself accountable.
What do you all think, especially the guys, about dating or marrying someone with eating disorder issues? Would you avoid it at all costs, want to work with the person in their path to seek help, etc? Would it depend on where they're at in their struggle? How would you feel if someone tried to hide it from you and you found out after some time that this is something they struggle with?
I'm very interested in your thoughts--both men and women, whether you're the one with similar issues or not.
Thanks in advance!