We must learn the whole message of God's word. God is the sovereign almighty creator, ruler and savior of mankind. We do nothing outside of His decreed will, plan, and purpose. We are all sons God by Creation. Adam and Eve were first created in the image of God with pure knowledge of God their creator, a pure heart and pure obedience to God without sin or the knowledge of evil; But, for reasons ,know only to God, they did not eat of the tree of life to confirm them in this righteous state. For me, the reason was obvious, it was the PLAN of God to bring them to their ruin by their eating of the tree of the knowing of good and evil, as God's plan was to have Satan bring them to their ruin so He could save them by GRACE. For me, God was and is Sovereign over all, as the Word of God teaches. Eph.1:11 "being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,". It is very clear, to me, that most christians don't have a clue about the truth of God's Word. They worship a half true and a half false god, not the GOD of the Bible; So, their Belief system is all messed up. God did save Adam and Eve by GRACE, thru a blood sacrifice. Gen.3:21. "the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them." They died spiritually to God, that "day" they ate the fruit, and hide themselves , but God sought them out and saved them by GRACE. God drove them, forced them out of the garden so they world not eat of the tree of Life and live forever in sin. God planned their phy. death to follow their fall into sinfulness and corruption of the image of God . God planned to recreate them spiritually back to the IMAGE which they lost in the Fall. This is God's "purpose" as seen in Rom.8:29-30, FIVE step plan: 1. LOVED, Foreknew. 2. PREDESTINATION TO eternal life, 3. CALLED by GRACE, Power and Mercy. 4JUSTIFIED by GRACE, 5. GLORIFIED by GRACE, GRACE and power. 1Thess.1:4 "Knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God." 2 Thess. "Because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctifiction by the Spirit and belief in the truth," God= 100%- man =100% Love to all, Hoffco