I've been thinking about this alot, and I think that people in jail have it way too easy. Free meals, free accommodation, television, the chance to exercise, read and socialise.....I'm sure that refugees in the swat valley or sweatshop workers in Cambodia would jump at the chance to live in western prisons.
It can cost the state up to $50,000 per year to keep 1 prisoner in prison. This money comes from MY taxes, and I'm not getting enough value for my dollar. These people are a drain on the economy, as not only are they not paying tax, stimulating the economy through spending, or working, they are "free-riding" off the back of hard-working tax payers.
I'm all for showing love to people in prison and evangelising them, but I think they can be more productive as well...
1. They should all be working 18 hour days, either manual labour, or in call centres. Governments should sell the prisoners' cheap labour to private industry, and this way local businesses can compete with cheap foreign labour, also reducing the cost of goods and services.
2. They should be forced to donate blood. Screening methods would need to be tough, as these are high risk people. There would be enough blood for everyone if blood was taken from prisoners regularly.
3. For the murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc., their organs should be harvested, and given to people who need them. This would cut organ donation lists dramatically. I only mean non-vital organs (kidney, lung, bone marrow, etc.). I think once you kill or rape someone, you give up your right to live freely in society and have the same rights as everyone else. Society gets no recompense from that person being in jail, society only gets the bill, and assurance of no additional crimes from that person for a limited time. People who commit serious crimes should have to repay their debt to society in very real ways.
4. Again, for serious criminals only, all of their assets should be stripped from them, sold, and the proceeds used for charitible purposes. For prisoners who do their time and get out, they should be given a bill at the end of their sentence for the cost of their stay in jail, and be required to pay the government back over the course of their lifetime. No more freeriding.
I think all of these initiatives would make jail much less appealing and make people think twice about committing crimes.
Ok I'm done.
It can cost the state up to $50,000 per year to keep 1 prisoner in prison. This money comes from MY taxes, and I'm not getting enough value for my dollar. These people are a drain on the economy, as not only are they not paying tax, stimulating the economy through spending, or working, they are "free-riding" off the back of hard-working tax payers.
I'm all for showing love to people in prison and evangelising them, but I think they can be more productive as well...
1. They should all be working 18 hour days, either manual labour, or in call centres. Governments should sell the prisoners' cheap labour to private industry, and this way local businesses can compete with cheap foreign labour, also reducing the cost of goods and services.
2. They should be forced to donate blood. Screening methods would need to be tough, as these are high risk people. There would be enough blood for everyone if blood was taken from prisoners regularly.
3. For the murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc., their organs should be harvested, and given to people who need them. This would cut organ donation lists dramatically. I only mean non-vital organs (kidney, lung, bone marrow, etc.). I think once you kill or rape someone, you give up your right to live freely in society and have the same rights as everyone else. Society gets no recompense from that person being in jail, society only gets the bill, and assurance of no additional crimes from that person for a limited time. People who commit serious crimes should have to repay their debt to society in very real ways.
4. Again, for serious criminals only, all of their assets should be stripped from them, sold, and the proceeds used for charitible purposes. For prisoners who do their time and get out, they should be given a bill at the end of their sentence for the cost of their stay in jail, and be required to pay the government back over the course of their lifetime. No more freeriding.
I think all of these initiatives would make jail much less appealing and make people think twice about committing crimes.
Ok I'm done.