My wife is an amazingly, awesome godly woman. We both learn so much from each other in both the good times and the bad. We have both had our trials, but we have always gotten through them with Gods help, communication (something she is teaching me and more about) humility and respect. There have been many times i've felt like I wanted to run away but I know those feelings are not right and that I remind myself how much I love my dear wife and that she is safe with our covenant. I'm not the perfect guy, a stumble often but we help each other get back up. We have learnt how important it is for both to walk in agreement and to sort out issues ASAP. Marriage is not a walk in the park but it certainly isn't the hell that the world says it is (although how much like hell it is depends on you lol)
We have a gorgeous, handsome little boy together, that has given us even more trialing times but even more amazing times of joy and happiness and we look forward to having more children together.
Noticed I said trials many times? lol Yes? That's because many come in marriage, I wouldn't have learnt the things that I have nor been refined the way I have been in this way if it wasn't for marriage, it's quite a unique refining but not one that one should be afraid of because it's good

And one last thing, the first thing I learnt not long after being married was how selfish I am, but i'm getting better by the grace of God
I hope someone finds this encouraging and insightful.