You are right on the spot! I am seeking fleshly things to fill a void that can only be filled with God. I am trying my hardest right now to reconnect with him, though I know it is not my doing but the Spirit's doing...
So then your avatar is perfect. for you Rein in god by trusting God all in all, be still and hear. I (God) not me God just love you, and so now how does one respond to this knowing what I deserve?
Have you ever had this experience, when you did something wrong and you confessed it, to the one you did it wrong to, expected punishment and they gave you Mercy. how did or do you react to that?
Now take that to God and hear and receive the Mercy from God through the cross of Son? Knowing what you deserve?
And you get freedom, how will we respond?
Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with
and into his courts with
praise: be thankful unto him,
and bless his name.
see King David was looking forward to this day in Christ to come into play.
And we today are looking back as is done finished, freed to love as we were designed to be before Adam and Eve together took part of the first doubt and ate, that you and I had nothing to do with, we were just born after the same similitude in Adam's loins, the flesh that wants what it wants at the expense of others, when focused on what it wants, has no considering of others, it just takes and takes
So today looking back at this we might see God's Mercy to us through Son, been made aware of right and wrong to choose either selfishly or lovingly to all, especially those that use us or abuse us.
But that does not mean we have to be a doormat either. or fight back in flesh, rather power in the Spirit of God as God leads, us for God does want us to be free of abuse, of any and all kinds. And many times we have to put up with it for a short while, even just an hour seems too long though
[h=3]Luke 6:32[/h]Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
[SUP]32 [/SUP]For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
Trusting God to show you how to walk in what you are walking in and be safe and secure in God no matter what the situation is,
love to you in truth Sister