I like all of them. Also read 'Prophet'. Even Ted Dekker's books are good - Three, the Circle Trilogy and Obsessed.
Moving on to my random thoughts...
I don't understand why it is difficult to have what you want. If all these years of struggle and pain has not been enough, what's the guarantee that the future will be better? God hears prayers but it's like sometimes He works on His own .. I sometimes need a break so badly .. And that's when the biggest of problems come tumbling into my lap.. As if what I already had wasn't enough!
And listen to your random thought here?
And that's when the biggest of problems come tumbling into my lap.. As if what I already had wasn't enough!
Sister, have you ever welcomed the troubles to be able to actually learn from them?
I cried once I had no shoes, and grew up like this poor, shoes had to last and if they didn't i had none
until I met another with no feet, I started to see differently, than just poor me, in all my troubles.
then I saw this, there were about 20 people all in a circle facing one another and everyone threw in their own troubles, and it took about 5 minutes and each one wanted their own back, why is that?
then I saw a few say wait a minute I think I want to walk a mile in your shoes and see for sure.
they did and about two months later showed that one love past their own hurts, troubles and wants
For they walked a mile in the other persons shoes, seeing the hurts and forsaking their own in love as God did for you and all when he suffered going to the cross, taking the whips upon his back, to the death he went for us all, and that is deep Sister, deep it is.
So as I see it, there is no way I can suffer as much, yet have suffered and still might. yet through all my suffering, I have come to that conclusion to see what suffering Christ did for me, and therefore I see to stop complaining and do what I can accept what I can't change and move on towards the mark.
Hope and pray you see this early and not late as it took me until late
In Short
I was not to live at birth, nor was my Mother, I am a change of life baby, Mom had me at 43 years of age and lived on until 88. she was told not to get pregnant again by the doctor after she had a miscarriage at 42, that she would not live through and or the Baby, me
I was choked to death at age 12, turned blue in face and dropped to the ground as dead. Went of a bridge at age 14, into about 3 foot deep water in a dune buggy, head first and three others were along for the ride, and the song that was playing when we went off this bridge was stairway to heaven. We all lived through this
police report stated Dune Buggy was pushed off the bridge if anyone drove off in it would not have lived, we lived
service abuse was another, USMC
and at age not sure of now, from 19 -23, a Tire Machine blew up and hit me in the face, knocked out my teeth and fortunately my hands got in the way in time and deflected it off my face, otherwise i would have been decapitated, i lived
Then after all this I was also an Alcoholic as well and a druggie to,
Went clean and sober at 27, no9w been 30 years clean and sober, amazingly by God's love, and Mercy is this steadfast for me, not by me
Then so I go from there and have life, enjoying, carrying on, telling others of love about God without any condemnation to anyone, start a blogspot over two years ago now, free, and even had door signs with cards made to express trhis one fact.
After starting that, what I know to have started, and why it is called godjustloveyou, is the after math of my oldest Brother whose last words to my oldest Sister were God just loves me, as he said to her remember that.
For all his life up to 33, he had worked hard to enter rest with God by works, and came to the seeing that God just loved him and all those works could have been done with a joy and not expected any return, becasue he was already given what he always wanted, and that is life to the fullest in the kingdom of Heaven, not earth.
I finally saw this and started writing the love of God to all that will hear
And then in 2012 November I end up in the emergency room with a killer disease and again was not expected to live, yet here I am.
So fear of trouble anymore, whether I go home or stay here is obliterated
So now do you want your own troubles back
Our own troubles are a great tool to learn from, for i know of no way to reverse any troubles that to accept them as they are and ask God to teach m,e from them, and i keep getting trust, trust, trust, trust, I, Not me God knows what God allows to happen for a reason we do not see at the time it happens to us
You are called, not everyone listens so listen and accept all troubles to grow strong in wisdom and stature
Romans 8:28