Hey Haz, blessings.
I am SDA, Our stance on those who do not Keep the 7th day Sabbath is simple. We believe and teach that there will probably be more people saved who currently do not keep the 7th day Sabbath than those who do currently keep it.
The reason for this is that Many SDA's think that by keeping it they will be saved and thus they make it about a legal works based position rather than a Faith Based relationship with Jesus who died for our sins. Not every SDA Is like this but many are.
Most SDA that I've spoken with all claim that not keeping Sabbath leads to eternal damnation. Some say this directly, whilst others say it indirectly. This latter group initially state that not keeping the Sabbath is ok, until one comes to a point in their Christian walk where God expects it of them, and any who refuse are then guilty of sinning wilfully after having the knowledge of the truth.
Gotime, do you agree with that second group I described above or is your SDA view different?
I see scripture differently from SDA.
When we become a Christian we are then one spirit with The Lord, 1Cor 6:17. We're married to Christ.
note also how there are many scriptures warning against sexual immorality. This is all referring to
spiritual sexual immorality ( remember scripture is spiritually discerned, 1Cor 2:14).
Being one spirit with The Lord, then we should not be lusting after another.
and who is the alternative that we are to avoid?
Gal 4:24 tells us. It's Hagar, who is symbolic for the doctrine of righteousness by works of the law.
Rom 11:6 tells us that we cannot mix works of the law (symbolised as Hagar, Gal 4:24) with grace ( being one spirit with The Lord).
the law is just, good and holy, Rom 7:12, but as a means for us to attain or even prove righteousness, we see that all the world is guilty before God, Rom 3:19.
Hence thats why
Christ is the END of the law for righteousness, to everyone that believes, Rom 10:4
legalists often lose sight of what they have in Christ (righteousness, holiness, completeness, perfection). As James 1 describes, they are like the man who sees himself in a mirror but as soon as he turns away from it he forgets what manner of man he was.
Don't let legalistic doctrines rob you of your salvation. A little leaven (doctrine of righteousness by works of the law, Matt 16:12) leavens the whole lump, Gal 5:9.