I found out my devout...singing in concerts praising god husband is gay...what makes it worse is he doesnt have a gay relationship he goes to sex orgies....we have been married 5 months and he has touched me once ...the only time he touches me is to criticise me...no one know I know..he always questions my faith and last week he came home 3am from a sex orgy and said to me sunday morning..lets go to church it'll be good for us...but my spirits wont allow it, I went to another church alone and just cried....im going mad...I gave up EVERYTHING to be with him and im stuck in this marraige for another 7 months until I can get stuff together...he has no idea I know as much as I do...God forgive me but I hate him.
Hi Rosa,
I don't know the full story but , on a practical level, you are not in a very good place right now. the fact that you are at risk. At risk of HIV and other STDs is not enough… you are also at risk of any abuse that could result from him knowing that you know. He is already abusive emotionally.
I am not sure what is purpose was by marrying you but it looks like he doesn't really want people to know he is gay.
You don't have family around and followed him in a new country….Be careful how to proceed.
and also contact a refuge centre for women if you are likely to find yourself homeless and you are not working.
I am really sorry you are going through this.For someone who have been married and divorced from a deceiving husband, I can tell you this. Its' time to ask God for a soul searching yourself. Pray. Ask for direction. Pray for him. for yourself.
While I was praying, I was prepared for anything.
If God had said that I should stay and love my husband to show the Love of Christ so he can transform him, I would have stayed. But when Jesus told me my husband never belonged to him anyway, I knew what I had to do. I was shocked because we were both worship leaders in our church and he was the son of the pastor.
I don't know how strong is your own walk with the Lord. But sometimes, we enter these marriages with our own doubts as if God was trying to say something, but we are too quick to dismiss God's warning as we cannot believe such wonderful christian looking guy could be a fake. I know this because I dismissed my own doubts and went ahead to get married. Now I know.
When I asked God what to do when i "discovered" my husband , I was prepared for anything God would want me to do; God may have allowed the marriage because He knows the Love you would show to your husband so he could change him and he would see the love of God through you.
Or He would allow you to be free if God cannot work through both of you because one partner has let the Devil take possession of them…
If your life and everything else is in danger, If your husband refuse to let God transform him, there is not much you can do.
You , in any case, need to leave.
Please pass the stage where you hate him. Give it to the Lord. It's simpler and you'll be able to pray clearly.
Only God heals and transform the heart.
Blessings and peace.