You are not making any sense. The Vulgate was created by the Catholic Church, mostly translated by Jerome in the 4th Century. There is no "Vaticanus" bible. Prior to the Vulgate, there were Old Latin bibles, also created by the Catholic Church.
“The WORDS of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt PRESERVE them from this generation for ever.”
(Psalm 12:6-7)
KJV is based on the Greek Received Text (Textus Receptus). The Textus Receptus was used by the earliest Syrian and Greek Christians and was sometimes called the Syrian Text, the Byzantine Text, the Majority Text or the Traditional Text.
There was a school in Antioch of Syria in very early Christian times that taught the literal, historical, grammatical approach to interpreting the Scriptures. Preachers like Chrysostom held to the Syrian Text that agrees with our KJV.
This Received Text was soon translated into
old Latin in about 150 A.D. (long before Jerome’s Latin Vulgate) and was called the Italic Bible. The Vaudois (later called Waldensians) of northern Italy used the Italic Bible.
These men of God preached salvation by grace through faith in the redeeming
blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ, predestination, the priesthood of the believer, believer’s baptism by immersion—centuries before the Protestant Reformation.
They condemned the Roman Catholic doctrines of idolatry, transubstantiation and the forbidding of the Bible to the common people. Many sealed their testimony with their own blood.
Their Italic Bible agrees with the KJV.
The Vaudois (Waldenses) the Albigenses, the Reformers (Luther, Calvin and Knox) all held to the Received Text that later was translated into our KJV Bible. They all rejected Jerome’s Latin Vulgate used by the Roman Catholics
95% of all existing Greek manuscripts agree with the Textus Receptus. The remaining
5% are from the Alexandrian Greek texts (including the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus). These texts were later translated into the Latin Vulgate.
If God preserves his Word in every generation, then why do we now have contradicting versions of the Bibl
One answer that should be obvious to any true believer in Christ is this: Satan hates the Bible and seeks to corrupt it.
The Bible clearly warns us of Satan’s method of CORRUPTING the Word of God. We read about it in the third chapter of Genesis:
Satan questioned God's Word (“Yea, hath God said?”
) misquoted God's Word (“ye shall not eat of EVERY tree of the garden?”
) then flatly contradicted God's Word (“ye shall NOT surely die”
In Alexandria, Egypt there existed a school of learned men who wanted to blend Christianity with paganism. Their names were Philo, Marcion, Origen, Clement, Eusebius and others. They lived in the early centuries of church history.
These men deliberately corrupted the Bible manuscripts in their possession. They felt free to add, delete and changewords, sentences, chapters and even whole books of the Bible to make it say what they believed it should say.
Bible believing Christians everywhere rejected their manuscripts. But Roman Catholic scholars kept these Alexandrian manuscripts. Today, they are best represented by two old Greek texts: the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus.
These are the two main Greek texts upon which almost all the modern Bible versions are based. You can read footnotes in the NASB
or NIV
“this verse not found in the earliest mss.”
“other ancient authorities omit this verse”
Can you smell Serpent’s breath in these statements?
It is the same old questioning of God’s Word (“Yea, hath God said?”
) that occurred in the Garden. It is meant to sow confusion about what is and what is not the real Word of God.
The terms earliest manuscripts and ancient authorities are generally referring to these two very old, but corrupt, Roman Catholic manuscripts—the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus. Let’s take a brief look at each of these Alexandrian texts.
The Vaticanus was discovered in the Vatican library in the year 1481. It was in excellent condition. Yet it omits Genesis 1:1 to 46:28, Psalms 106 to 138, Matthew 16:2-3, all the Pauline Pastoral Epistles (1 Timothy through Titus) Hebrews 9:14-13:25 and the entire book of Revelation!!!
In other words, it omits much that was used by ancient believers to condemn Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions. For example, Paul’s Pastoral Epistles twice declare that a bishop should be the husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:6).
Paul also warns of devil doctrines like forbidding to marry (1 Timothy 4:3). This contradicts Catholic demands that its bishops and priests be unmarried (celibate). It is therefore omitted in the Vaticanus.
Hebrews 10:10-14 condemns (by implication) the re-sacrificing of Christ done at the “sacrifice of the Mass” as taught in the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. This passage is omitted in the Vaticanus.
The book of Revelation, chapter 17 clearly describes a religious whore headquartered in Rome (the city of seven hills that rules over the kings of the earth). Revelation 13 warns of the Mark, Name and Number of the Beast.
Both chapters are missing in the Vaticanus. Besides the above listed omissions, the Vaticanus—in the Gospels alone (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)—leaves out 237 words, 452 clauses and 748 whole sentences.
The Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus disagree with each other over 3,000 times in the Gospels alone!!! The Sinaiticus was found on a trash pile in St. Catherine’s Monastery, near Mt. Sinai, in 1844.
It contains nearly all of the New Testament, but it adds the “Shepherd of Hermes” and the “Epistle of Barnabas.” On nearly every page of the manuscript there are corrections and revisions, done by ten different people.
Even worse, the Shepherd of Hermes and the Epistle of Barnabas include commands to do things God has forbidden in His Word, including:
Take “the name” of the beast.
Give up to the beast.
Form a One-World Government.
Kill those not receiving his “name.”
Worship female virgins.
Receive another spirit.
Seek power.
Avoid marriage and permit fornication.
Abstain from fasting.
The Preserved Word of God in English, Part 2