Gen 2:3
And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made.
God blessed and hallowed the seventh day when He rested fom creating the other six......
There is said to have been an oral tradition handed down from Adam until Moses. In that oral tradition were the laws, but by the time mankind had evolved to the time of Abraham, very few men observed these oral traditions trading them for the new ways of the nations mankind became.
According to th Word Abraham was one of the last men who believed God. It stands to reason he knew about creation, and he most likely did keep the seventh day hallowed.
Hallow is a synonym for holy or separate, and this is what we are to be according to the Word, and so the Seventh Day to honor our Father Who gave us all that is.
It is within the realm of possibility there was no manner of observing the seventh day before Moses, but now that Moses has written all down for all who wish to know about the Father's desire for His children, we do know. So why not rest with our Father.
And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made.
God blessed and hallowed the seventh day when He rested fom creating the other six......
There is said to have been an oral tradition handed down from Adam until Moses. In that oral tradition were the laws, but by the time mankind had evolved to the time of Abraham, very few men observed these oral traditions trading them for the new ways of the nations mankind became.
According to th Word Abraham was one of the last men who believed God. It stands to reason he knew about creation, and he most likely did keep the seventh day hallowed.
Hallow is a synonym for holy or separate, and this is what we are to be according to the Word, and so the Seventh Day to honor our Father Who gave us all that is.
It is within the realm of possibility there was no manner of observing the seventh day before Moses, but now that Moses has written all down for all who wish to know about the Father's desire for His children, we do know. So why not rest with our Father.