I have no idea the nature of the water turned to wine of our Lord, tend to think it was not fermented for reasons of our Lord probably not finding it appropriate to facilitate later-in-the-night sinking into a fully drunken debauchery of people at the wedding, though this would be their own faults. God did create grape juice fermentable, but not drunks, created sex, but not for adultery and fornication. Still, this is a question we can all only have our arguments for, no absolute answer. But I would say I believe the Lord Jesus drank fermented wine, as fresh grape juice would not be available year around in those times of low technology food and no refrigeration, and our Lord Jesus was accused of being "winebibber," which is a drunk in essence, a habitual alcoholic wine drinker, and I doubt the Pharisees would made such a completely stupid false accusation, absent actually seeing Him drinking fermented wine to exploit.have