Does your church service promote James 1:27 when you see them every week or do they promote big loud music and a nice sermon and an offering plate? Are they desiring to get people to go to tell people about Jesus every week door to door? Or is it only the lucky ones who they tell about Jesus if they only visit them within church walls?
My point is not that you should leave your church or to forsake fellowship. No, no. Most certainly not. My point is that church attendance does not mean you are being truly spiritual. Yes, we are not to forsake fellowship. But fellowship is not a church building with a bunch of people that are filled with strangers.
The church is not above the Word of God. For many churches will be judged by Jesus as mentioned in Revelation 2-3. The whole point of this thread is to show how you should make God's Word your authority first and not some church or thinking that by just attending church you are pleasing God. For did Paul attend church while he was in prison? In a way he did. He was with another fellow believer and they praising God within that prison. That is the church. Two or more believers together. Not a building with rules and regulations and worldly promotions, etc.
I could go into how the Creation Ministry seems more focused on Creation than Jesus and say how that is wrong. But that is another topic of discussion. Just as talking about church is another topic of discussion. This thread is about Sola Scriptura, my friend. I would please ask yoiu to stay on topic with that.
Thank you.
And may God bless you.
My point is not that you should leave your church or to forsake fellowship. No, no. Most certainly not. My point is that church attendance does not mean you are being truly spiritual. Yes, we are not to forsake fellowship. But fellowship is not a church building with a bunch of people that are filled with strangers.
The church is not above the Word of God. For many churches will be judged by Jesus as mentioned in Revelation 2-3. The whole point of this thread is to show how you should make God's Word your authority first and not some church or thinking that by just attending church you are pleasing God. For did Paul attend church while he was in prison? In a way he did. He was with another fellow believer and they praising God within that prison. That is the church. Two or more believers together. Not a building with rules and regulations and worldly promotions, etc.
I could go into how the Creation Ministry seems more focused on Creation than Jesus and say how that is wrong. But that is another topic of discussion. Just as talking about church is another topic of discussion. This thread is about Sola Scriptura, my friend. I would please ask yoiu to stay on topic with that.
Thank you.
And may God bless you.