Well, I don't want to lead this into an off topic discussion, but to give you a quick reply in relation to this topic, I believe ALL true believers thru out time have the Holy Spirit whereby the Spirit guides and leads them into all truth according to the Communicated Word of God available to them. Before the writing of the Torah and the writing of the book of Job, men exclusively had the "Spoken Word of God." From the first writings of Scripture to the close of Revelation, men had both the Written Word of God and the Spoken Word of God. After the close of Revelation, men just have the Written Word of God.
Yeah, but what about the disciples not having the Spirit during Christ's ministry? See, Jesus lived in the hearts of the disciples before He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. That is how they had life. For He that has the Son has life and He that does not have the Son does not have life (1 John 5:12).
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Jesus said this to the people living back then and not just to us today. In other words, when a person back then gathered together in Jesus' name, our Lord Jesus was admist them because He is God. John 14 is the point in time before the receiving of the Holy Spirit. John 20:22 is the time when they did receive the Holy Spirit. In the church, we see many who accepted Christ and were baptized had received the Holy Spirit. Some even received the Holy Spirit before they were baptized. Having the Spirit means you are saved. No God living in you, no salvation. For God is the source of a person's salvation. Salvation is God. It's not in what you do. Yes, we have to respond to God, but once we let the Lord into our life, He can then transform us spiritually so that He can live within our heart and lives. For salvation is about God living in you. Salvation is not about in human effort alone (Apart from God). No Holy Spirit guiding a person into all truth would mean a person does not have the Holy Spirit. Ask God for the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth within His Word and see what happens. Believe.