Number 7
THE number SEVEN has been called the perfect number. It is in fact, the SEAL of God upon His creative work.
Until recently, this fact seems to have almost evaded attention. Then an amazing discovery was made. Hidden beneath the surface of the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Bible, is the same seal, not merely in a few places but literally everywhere in the Bible, stamping it as the indisputable Word of God.
It was soon realized that both the Bible and creation bore similar identification marks, just as surely as various papers from a given mill bear beneath their surface the watermark of that particular mill.
Let us briefly examine, some of these watermarks or seals in creation. God’s dealings with man are marked all over with sevens and multiples of sevens. Each man’s physiology is constructed on a law of sevens.
Did you know that the development of the human embryo is in exact periods of sevens, viz., 28 days, (4 ~ 7s)? Ask your doctor to explain. You will be amazed at the accuracy of this law. Then the full normal time is 280 days, (40 ~ 7s). I shall enlarge upon this later.
In Genesis 2:7 we read,
“And God formed man of the dust of the ground.”
Science has had to acknowledge that the human body consists of the same 14 elements, 2 ~ 7s. Medical science today tells us the human body is renewed in every cell every seven years; also that the pulse beats slower every 7th day. In certain diseases, the critical days are the 7th, 14th and 21st, and so on.
Did you know the light from the sun is made up of seven distinct colours, viz, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet? The rainbow is a demonstration of the light split into its seven colours. Would you say this was design or accident? While we are in the air, as it were, let us look at our nearest neighbour - the moon.
Did you know that the earth is just 49 times larger, 7 ~ 7s, and the moon completes its journey round the earth on the 28th day, 4 ~ 7s, which is exactly in keeping with the development of the human embryo, which thought we shall now connect with another department of Nature - the wonderful bird family where we again find this definite Seal of the Creator, unchanging, unalterable by man.
Take first some of the domestic birds which anyone can check for himself. Everyone knows that when you set eggs of the domestic hen, whether they are placed under the hen; or in the incubator, you look for the chicks on the 21st day, 3 ~ 7s. While on domestics, check your canary, 14 days, 2 ~ 7s. Hundreds of varieties of finches, and numerous other families of small birds like robins, thrushes and cockatoos have been checked at 14 days.