i thought in the pm, you had said that if the bible mentioned a number, we would discuss it... it's a three part blessing in that sentence... "God blessed Noah and his sons..." the part about the animals is in another sentence, and can be seen as a blessing or a statement... Noah and his sons had other implied blessings, too, such as seeedtime and harvest...
In fact, I don't know if you remember this in English class, but when you write a proper paragraph, the best way to do so is to have your first sentence as the defining purpose of that paragraph. The first sentence (that stated the purpose) and or the following sentences within that paragraph are the listed reasons that back up that first sentence within that paragraph. In other words, we really can't see it just a three part blessing alone because God blesses Noah with other blessings; And sentence structure does not rule over the truth of God's Word.
Also, no number was specifically mentioned here. Yes, at times, I am open to acknowledging how many times something will occur, but that needs to be compared as a whole within the entire text within the story, book, or the Bible. But I want you to try and not count things for a while and just explain the text. That is what we are primarily are doing here. Anyone can countt things, but it is another matter to explain things.
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