It's hard to eat better when someone ridicules me for it and accuse me of wanting to eat like a rabbit. I'm trying to make myself feel better, and yes, even look better.
Just because you're not okay with it doesn't give you the right to attack me. You're not a permanent resident of this house and even if you were you're old enough to move out and eat however the heck you want. But oh that opens a whole other can of worms so I'll stop right there.
I'm. Tired. Of this crap.
I think I know which resident of your household that you speak of. Let me tell you my story.
I was 19, living at home with my Mom and one of my Older Brothers. A three bedroom ranch house with a really nice finished basement. No lack of space for the 3 of us, that's until Miss Cray Cray moved in.
Another one of my older brothers was in jail at the time. Not going to get into why but he was. While he was in this horrible place in residency and mind, he got engaged to this girl he hung out with. Well she needed a place to stay. Somehow my Brother managed to talk my Mom into letting her move in with us.
She was OK at first, then she started doing weird stuff. I was quietly singing Surfin USA to myself, all of a sudden out of nowhere she says to me, you called me a B word. So my response was , um, no I didn't. She started saying a bunch of crazy things and I said, I'm going to leave you and your voices alone now. Then she got drunk one time amd tried to kiss my other brother. Didn't go over well. Except my Mom was never home when these things happened. We didn't want to upset her, so we didn't tell her.
UNTIL I came home one day and my best friend/ neighbor called me and asked me why there was an ambulance at my house earlier? I was at work, no one home but the girlfriend. So I asked her kindly, are you OK? She gave me this deer in the headlights look and told me that she had really bad heart palpitations and freaked and called an ambulance. So I say, wow that's awful, I had no idea you had heart trouble. Uh well don't tell your Mom but my friend came over and we were snorting coke. I said, you did drugs in my Moms house, she already has a kid in jail, she doesn't need this crap too. I actually felt bad because she said, where will I go? I felt sorta bad but she was also incredibly rude, unless she wanted something and she was clearly using my family.
My Mom gave her time to find a new place to live, considering the circumstances pretty generous of my Mom. She did find a place to live and immediately dumped my Brother.
The happy ending is my Brother is in a much better place in his life and and so are the rest.
OK the moral I will continue to pray for you and this to shall pass.