There are stories of a plesiosaur-like creature seen in Queensland, Australia. Both aboriginal peoples around Lake Galilee and tribes farther up to the north tell of a long-necked animal with a large body and flippers. "Elders of the Kuku Yalanji aboriginal tribe of Far North Queensland, Australia, relate stories of Yarru (or Yarrba), a creature which used to inhabit rain forest water holes. The painting
depicts a creature with features remarkably similar to a plesiosaur. It even shows an outline of the gastro-intestinal tract, indicating that these animals had been hunted and butchered." (CEN Technical Journal, Vol.12, No. 3, 1998, p. 345.)mystifying puzzling ancient artifacts - Page 10 - | Product reviews | Technology News | Blogs
This is like the stories of the Loch Ness Monster. You found this image on another forum. Once again you are accepting the claim based solely on the grounds that you want very much to believe that dinosaurs cohabited the earth with people. Your first stance should be one of skepticism. Have them prove the legitimacy of their sources and images. Look at what the historians and archeologists are saying. The websites you've presented me with, every time, are designed by people who, like yourself, want desperately to believe the claim that people and dinosaurs shared the earth. They are not being any more critical of their sources than you have been. They accept every image at face value, just as I once accepted every ghost story someone tried to pass off as a true occurrence.
You need physical evidence. There are archeological sites were stone age peoples killed and butchered wooly mammoths. There should be similar sites were they killed and butchered herbivorous dinosaurs. Where are they? Note also that the oldest DNA yet retrieved was from a species of extinct horse (estimated at about 700,000 years old). We have DNA from all sorts of extinct mammals, including some extinct humanoid groups (Neanderthals and Denisovans), but no DNA from any dinosaurs. If dinosaurs died out only 6,000 to 10,000 years ago then we should be able to extract DNA from almost every fossil. Think about it. It’s a real problem for those who want to believe in a young earth.
World's Oldest Genome Sequenced From 700,000-Year-Old Horse DNA