From our perspetive, it may seem that the world has less and less good people, but this idea is not where we have to draw conclusions. I know that God's view is higher than my own; he sees with eyes of destiny. Going to youth group, I didn't like being one of the few sensible ones- it was just like school! But I realised that this might be the only place where these people will ever here the word, will ever experience God. Where are the sinners that God wants to be reconciled with? If church is where everyone is "good", we have a problem. Jesus went out and spent time among "bad" people,and as a result, their lives were transformed. When Jesus touched the leper, Jesus did not become like the leper, but the leper became like Jesus. Less and less good people doesn't mean less and less of God-he is mighty to save. But as we trust in him he will let us know what's up. We see the multitude of bad people; God sees his children yet to come.