What if "normal" to you is having sex with children? How can you stop that if you were born that way? What if "normal" to you is having sex with animals? How can you stop that if you were born that way? its not a matter of "normal".Its a matter of God saying it is wrong.I cant get around that.That is not Gods plan for our lives.Marriage is between a man and a woman.Without being too vulgar we were created with certain parts fit the opposite sex.Sex outside marriage,straight or gay,tends to bring on different sexual diseases.Though not everyone becomes ill it is a constant threat to couples who are having sex outside traditional marriage.
I cannot believe God would create someone to be gay and then turn around and call it an abomination in His Word.We dont hate gays,God doesnt hate gays but He does call the act sin that will keep you out of heaven.Any sin will keep us out of heaven unless we repent.Being gay was not Gods plan for man and woman.Its not what best for us.As humans we confuse what we want with what we need.God knows what we need.We have to trust Him that he created us and He knows the best path for us.
It's a faulty correlation to bring up child molesters in this argument and equate them to the LGBT community. Child molesters actively harm others. Child molestation is not consensual, and child molestation is a crime. Bestiality actively harms an animal, bestiality is not consensual, and bestiality is a crime. Going through life with the feeling that you are the wrong sex, or that you are attracted to the same sex, or that you want to be a different sex, is not actively harmful to others, nor criminal.
The passage citing homosexuality as an abomination is found in Leviticus, and while I make no judgement on whether the writings found with in the book are to be taken as God's word thus followed accordingly, I do find it quite suspicious that you take such a harsh stance against homosexuality based on the verses within that book yet do not adhere to the teachings of the various other prohibitions in the book, such as:
Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6, penalty is death by God's hand), tearing your clothes (10:6, again, penalty is death by God's hand), eating pig (11:4-7), touching the dead flesh of a pig (11:8), going to church within 33 days of giving birth to a male (12:4), within 66 of a female (12:5), wearing clothing of mixed fabric (19:19), eating fruit from a tree less than 4 years old (19:23), cutting your hair at the sides (19:27), and selling land (29:23).
This leads me to believe you like to pick and choose which parts of the book to follow, evidenced unambiguously by the verifiable
fact that you only adhere to some of the instructions in said book.
The bible also does not prohibit the desire to, or act of, changing one's sex.