My dad is safe and sound after the most recent typhoon. He's on his way back to Manila, and then he'll be back here in a week! I haven't seen him since the start of October. It will be good to have him home.
after my brother's car wreck, he told me that he felt like it was a wake up call from God. He's gone through a lot this year, but he said "keep praying for me. I think it's working". He's been doubting his faith for a while, but I think it's starting to become more personal and real to him now. He still wants to marry the atheist girl, so we're all praying for her salvation. Side note: I witnessed a miracle. God silenced my mother and she actually let my brother pour out his heart honestly without interrupting him or getting angry and shutting him down and possibly getting violent. I'm not exaggerating, this is an act of God. My brother said some honest things that would normally enrage my mom, but she sat there very humbly and just listened. He actually told her that he thinks she's not a good mother, but the fact that *I* turned out "good, kind, and wise" anyway (his words) convinced him that God must be real and active in my life and He alone should get credit for that. I had no idea he was making these kinds of observations. Prayers for my brother would really be appreciated. I think he's going through a huge growing phase right now.
On a much lighter note, I totally nailed my percussion methods final today.