If you cannot earn salvation, you cannot maintain it. It is a free gift. I love my adult children and my grandchildren and always will. Nothing will change it. They have rebelled against me and broken my heart in times past. Yet my heart always yearned for reconciliation (and praise God I received it!! \
/ ) and my love for them never lessened. In fact, I love them more today than I did yesterday! Nothing will make me stop loving them, forsake them or disown them. NOTHING!
If I being imperfect can love my own that strongly, how much more does our perfect heavenly Father love us? I would never offer a free gift to my kids and grandsons and then expect them to do things to maintain that gift. That is just ridiculous and evil. In fact, that's exactly the kind of love the Pharisees had. That kind of love Jesus said not to exhibit. "Earn my love!" How ungodly is that?
NO, the Lord God knows His love WILL cause us to obey Him and follow after Him. Everything He offers us is free because Jesus paid the cost on the Cross of Calvary.
Remember in Luke 18 where Jesus was telling about the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple? The Pharisee was sure he was in good standing with God as he prayed, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I also tithe and fast."
But the tax collector couldn't even raise his eyes up heavenward as he pounded on his chest and cried, "Please have mercy on me a sinner, Father!"
Jesus Christ said that the tax collector went home justified because he knew it was the grace of God who kept him.
Jesus added that whoever prides themselves in obedience is going to get humbled. And those who humble themselves and acknowledge that all they have is the grace of Jesus Christ will be exalted.
Will you exalt your obedience or will you humble yourself and exalt Jesus Christ?
If I being imperfect can love my own that strongly, how much more does our perfect heavenly Father love us? I would never offer a free gift to my kids and grandsons and then expect them to do things to maintain that gift. That is just ridiculous and evil. In fact, that's exactly the kind of love the Pharisees had. That kind of love Jesus said not to exhibit. "Earn my love!" How ungodly is that?
NO, the Lord God knows His love WILL cause us to obey Him and follow after Him. Everything He offers us is free because Jesus paid the cost on the Cross of Calvary.
Remember in Luke 18 where Jesus was telling about the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple? The Pharisee was sure he was in good standing with God as he prayed, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I also tithe and fast."
But the tax collector couldn't even raise his eyes up heavenward as he pounded on his chest and cried, "Please have mercy on me a sinner, Father!"
Jesus Christ said that the tax collector went home justified because he knew it was the grace of God who kept him.
Jesus added that whoever prides themselves in obedience is going to get humbled. And those who humble themselves and acknowledge that all they have is the grace of Jesus Christ will be exalted.
Will you exalt your obedience or will you humble yourself and exalt Jesus Christ?
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