My wife wants a divorce
She informed me of her decision on 11/01/2015 and since then i have tried very hard to convince her we can work it out. But this has only caused more grief for her and i cannot bear to hurt her anymore so i have agreed to accept it is over.
If I were you, I'd go back on agreeing with the divorce. Part of being a man is standing up to your wife when she is wrong and not budging.
If she wanted a divorce and wouldn't try to work it out, I'd be suspicious of an affair. If she's cheating, she may feel like she's cheating on her boyfriend by being with you. If she's excited about leaving, she may have something she's excited about leaving you for.
Sometimes, even when you love someone so much, the best thing you can do is let them go.
That's a bunch of bull manure from Hollywood movies. God comes first. We live in this culture that thinks that marriage is all about our personal happiness. It might actually make someone happy to divorce in the short-term. But in the long-term, it does harm. The happiness she'd get from this is something short-lived. Whatever guy she ends up with if she's done with you is going to get damaged goods, and commit adultery. Because he who marries her that is divorced commits adultery.
If you divorce your wife and marry another, you commit, too. Read Matthew 19.
I'm assuming you are a Christian here from what you have said. As a husband, you should be a lot more concerned with your wife's holiness than her happiness. And you should seek to please your wife of course, but not if that means sinning. If she cried, whined, and pleaded to get you to do something else sinful with her, like rob a liquor store, get drunk, or do some 'swinging' with the couple next door, I hope you would refuse. Why should divorce be any different? If she's sad because you won't sin, let her be sad. Try to keep her from being sad, but don't go along with her sin over it.
What if your wife cried and cried to get you to chop off your daughter's big toe. She told about how it hurt her for you not to do it, but she needed you to agree to it and chop it off. Are you going to chop off your daughters toe? Of course not. Why not? Because it's stupid to do that, and hurtful to your daughter. Divorce is harmful to the children, too. So don't along with it.
Remember Eli, the priest in the Old Testament with the wild sons who slept with women who came to the tabernacle and were disrespectful with the meat and fat from the Lord's offerings. Eli rebuked them. But there was this prophecy against him and his whole household because of what he let his sons get away with. He didn't do enough as leader by just rebuking them. He should have taken a tougher stand in leading his household.
If I were in a marriage like that and my wife wanted to divorce me over just emotional reasons, assuming she professed faith in Christ, I'd point out that the Bible nowhere authorizes wives to divorce their husbands. Even with a certificate, an invalid divorce and remarriage is still adultery. I'd tell her if she divorced me and married someone else, not to think that isn't adultery. I wouldn't sign anything. I'm not going along with that.
The Christian way is to fight to save the marriage, but how can i do that when it hurts her for me to try?
You let her hurt if she has to. Sin hurts more in the long run.
I'm also wondering if you capitulated to her being unreasonable on other things throughout the marriage. Some women test their husbands, without realizing that they are doing it, by being unreasonable. If her husband caves, she looses some respect for him, and then becomes less attracted to him. If he's strong and resolute and she senses a boundary there, she may respect that about him. If you have been a wishy-washy husband about matters of principle or morality, that could also lead her to be discontent with the marriage.
Edit: what is also very saddening about this is that we have a wonderful 3 year old daughter
This is really sad.
Is there some big thing you haven't told us? You haven't had an affair or anything like that have you? Is it really just a bunch of female emotional gobbledygook she tells you about there being a 'wall' between her and her being hurt for some reason you can't put your finger on? Then you talk about it, and she says a bunch of emotional stuff that doesn't really hit home as a concrete reason for her having a problem?
If I were you, I'd tell her I was wrong for agreeing to the divorce, and apologize for agreeing. I'd say that my responsibility as a husband is to be like Christ who washed his bride in the water of the word. I'd have some verses of scripture on my mind to quote to her without looking up, like the one about God hating divorce, Jesus teaching about divorce and adultery, and the commandments of the Lord in I Corinthians 7 about divorce.
I'd remind her of our daughter, and I might a few statistics about more teen pregnancies, lower grades, etc. if a girl isn't raised with both parents.
You might also mention that it's selfish to blow up a family and hurt her husband and kids, and herself, for the sake of the feeling of freedom---or is it for a boyfriend on the side? There is a verse in Malachi about husbands being treacherous by putting away their wives. Jeremiah mentions a wife treacherously departing from her husband, too. It's not a good thing. You could point out that she needs to learn to be faithful and have commitment. If she doesn't love you anymore and wants a divorce, she needs to repent, she doesn't need to divorce over wanting to be free.
Then I'd confess any shortcomings I could think of as a leader in the home.
I've read that the numbers of professing evangelicals who divorce is roughly similar to the secular world in the US. But regular church attendance drops the chances of divorce significantly. I'm thinking it was 20%. I've also read that far less than 1% of married couples who pray together regularly divorce.
Less than 1%.
So if I were you, I'd be asking my wife to pray with her every day. If she doesn't want to do it, insist on it. If she doesn't participate, you pray for her with her right there in the bed or wherever you are together where she doesn't go away. Then say you want to have family devotions, and just read and discuss a passage of scripture every night, and read a Bible story to your daughter. They have children's books for that. If you aren't taking the family to church, take them. If she won't cooperate, then take it as far as you can, and be as firm as you reasonably can in insisting on these things.
This is a simple way to show some real leadership.
For some reason, your wife was attracted to you when you met. There have probably been certain things she hasn't liked. Women are attracted to different things about men. Looks is one thing. They may like kindness, good conversation, making them feel comfortable. But they marry you and see things lacking they don't like. Maybe the conversation dies, or maybe they want a man who is decisive, strong, resolute, good with his hands, or whatever. If you are capitulating to her when she is dead wrong, maybe there has been a pattern of it, and she would have respected (and been attracted to you more) if you hadn't given to her in the past. I know, it's messed up. But I really think some women are that way. You can also get yourself into a lot of trouble by capitulating to a woman when she cries or throws tantrums to get you to agree to do something bad. Take a look at the Samson story for an example.
This is our marriage. Don't give up on it so easily. But don't sit around begging for her to love you. You could tell her you were wrong to agree to the divorce. You have a child together, and you need to be good parents. You can say you will give her some time to get over whatever she's going through emotionally. If she insists on divorcing fast, ask her what her boyfriend's name is and why she's in such a hurry. If she starts giving you 'trickle truth', that she doesn't have a boyfriend, but mentions a good friend at work. Then the next time she mentions it, they kissed. Then they slow danced. And then it turns out the story was a whole lot more-- be on the lookout for those clues. Can you get into her phone? If you are on the same plan, you may be able to order records of phone calls from your cell phone company and see if there is a number she keeps calling.
Of course, pray for her, and pray with her.