The role of the husband as the head does not mean that he exercises parental authority over her. While their roles might be distinct, their value and worth before God are equal because they were both made in His image.
I don't see how what you are saying so far contradicts what I have written. I do believe that a wife is to submit to her husband, and Peter uses 'obeyed' to illustrate that. It's not a parent-child relationship, but not all relationships that require submission and obedience are.
I almost never play the 'submission card' in marriage. I don't give my wife a list of things to do or boss her around or give her orders. If I were a wife, I wouldn't want to be in that situation.
Treating the woman as though she's not equal with you in that sense is a direct affront to God and His image. Being heirs to the promise as the above verse was talking about actually affirms this.
This passage says nothing about 'equality.' If the point of the passage were against wives submitting to their husbands, Paul wouldn't have later told wives to submit to their husbands. The context is about being heirs according to the promise-- not about getting rid of family, social, legal, or occupational responsibilities in this life.
The fact that you would fail to recognize the equality that exists on that very important level and instead try to point out numerous ways in which there is not technically equality is concerning.
I think you are reading western political philosophy into scripture where it doesn't exist. The passage isn't about equality. We can all be heirs according to the promise while some are greater than others.
I think the scriptures are pretty clear that some people are greaters than others. I don't have any reason to think that gender has anything to do with it. There was no greater prophet than John the Baptist, but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. He that is the greatest among the disciples shall be the servant of all. The one who does and teach the commandments shall be great in the kingdom of heaven. Greater is he who prophesies than he who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets.
I don't see where the Bible teaches that we are all 'equal.' I can see where we aren't all 'equal' at least on certain dimensions. Equality only makes sense if you are talking about equality on a certain dimension.
If you are talking about 'authority' in the home, then no, husbands and wives are not equal.
I believe that a wife should submit to her husband as well, but that does not mean that she begrudgingly obeys him as he tells her what to do.
That's certainly not ideal. It's much better if she freely and joyfully chooses to submit.
There have been times I have had to begrudgingly force myself to submit to the Lord when I didn't really want to. It would have been better if I had done so joyfully. But it's better to force myself to submit than to not submit at all. The Lord can work on my attitude so I can improve going forward. It's better for a wife to begrudgingly submit than to rebel.
Submission means that she freely chooses to follow her husband as he leads the family in a way that is all about the glory of God and the good of his family.
If a wife has no good reason to be divorced, then wouldn't not divorcing be for the good of the family, maybe even for the glory of God?
If someone submits begrudgingly, it can also be done 'freely.' Unless he ties or locks her up, he's not forcing her to stay. No one is saying to lock her in a cage.
If I were in that situation, I might play the submission card during an argument. My wife knows she's supposed to submit to me. It would be one of many reasons. I don't consider it sinful to tell my wife to submit to me, because the Bible tells her so. Husbands are to follow the example of Christ who washes the bride with the water of the word. Why should submission be off topic if a man shares the word of God with his wife?
Some people say they believe in submission, but submission is so counter-cultural, that they consider the idea of a husband actually telling his wife that she should submit (as the Bible teaches) as something sinful. Is it wrong or self-serving to remind teenage children that they should obey their parents? They are old enough to know. They should submit willingly and freely. Is it abusive or self-serving to remind them of what they should do?
The Bible says, "Wives, submit to your husbands," not "Husbands, your wives are to submit to you. Make sure it happens."
The Bible says elders/the bishop should be the husband of one wife and rule his house well. Elders are to be examples to the flock. If ruling one's house well involves reminding wives of their responsibility before God, what is wrong with that?
It is your role to fulfill what has been commanded of you and leave the convicting to God and His Word.
The Bible says to exhort one another daily lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. The Bible speaks of admonishing one another. The Bible says not to love your neighbor and not to despise your neighbor, but to rebuke your neighbor frankly lest you share in his sin.
There are times when a family member wants to do something sinful or harmful to himself or others, and the right thing to do is to fight tooth and nail (metaphorically speaking) against it.
I suspect there are a lot of women who push for divorce who are really disappointed if their spouses don't have the resolve to oppose it. That aspect of their character may be why they want the divorce in the first place. It's really messed up. But some people are like that, and don't really know what they want. They want different and conflicting things.
Eli wasn't firm enough with his adult kids. He asked them why they did such things. He'd stated his disagreement. That wasn't enough. He wasn't just to leave it to God. God was displeased with him, and his descendants lost their prominent role over his negligence.
I am a firm believer that if a husband will humbly fulfill his role in laying himself down for his wife, she will be compelled to walk in her role as well. Only appealing to the man's authority as the head--while that does exist--is filled with nothing but complete and utter pride.
And some people think letting people that they are responsible to lead treat them like dirt is spiritual. I think we may have a thread on that topic going already. That's a form of false humility. Appealing to one's own God-given authority is not 'complete and utter pride.' It could be done in pride. But Moses was the meekest man in the world. And on occasion, he pointed out the authority God gave him. Consider Korah's rebellion.
If someone is a leader, with God-given responsibility, he may think letting people not follow his leadership and leaving it up to the Lord is the spiritual thing to do. But he is accountable to God for what he has been entrusted. A godly leader can also be strong in that role and exercise God given authority without sinning.
In the case we are talking about, I mentioned a husband reminding his wife of her responsibility to submit to him, and then forbidding her from doing something that the Lord forbids. So how is there any sin in that? Just about anything could be done with pride, but why would that situation have to be done with pride? Why can't that be done with humility? There isn't anything inherently unrighteous about it, is there?
Is it a sin to remind a fellow believer to obey God's word?
Is it a sin for a husband to tell his wife to do something?
It's just a counter-cultural idea, not something sinful. And there is this picture we get from TV (if you've seen LifeTime, maybe) that the man who expects that a wife will submit to him must be abusive, but that is not a Biblical concept. The righteous, godly man wants his wife to submit to him, because that is one way she submits to the Lord. And the righteous, godly married man wants his wife to submit to the Lord.
It's about trying to maintain a position of power rather than seeking a position of humility. True biblical manhood is laying down your life, humbly and wisely serving as the head, and leading with love. Your advice seems to be more about the man winning than about actual biblical wisdom.[/QUOTE]