Part 2:
So then what is required to "receive" this Gospel of Salvation?
Hear and Believe.
1. Hear the Gospel; John 5:24, Romans 10:14, Acts 18:8, Ephesians 1:13.
2. Believe the Gospel; John 3:16, Acts 16:31, Romans 1:16... this is clearly proclaimed throughout the NT. 98 times in the Gospel of John alone.
We also see the word repent used interchangeably with the word believe. This is because they are the same thing.
Repentance is "a changing of one's mind": the process of turning from unbelief to belief. Many add that repentance deals with a changing of behaviour also... so does belief! Belief and repentance bring about outward change from an internal change, rather than external pressure or conditioning (which is simply "resolution").
So what must a person believe in order to be saved? The Gospel.
1. That Jesus is the Christ come in the flesh - that He was human, and could relate to us, so His sacrifice could be related upon us: John 4:2,9; Hebrews 2:17,4:15
2. That Jesus was the Son of God - that He was divine, and had the power to save and grant us a relationship with God: John 20:31
3. His death: 1 Cor 15:3
4. His resurrection: 1 Cor 15:4
This belief is not just an understanding or knowledge of His person and work (even the demons have this knowledge, and shudder), but a TRUST in His person and work as The Way to salvation.
Trust that it worked, and applies to you!
This Faith excludes trust in or reliance on works.
Does this mean that works are not part of saving Faith?
No!!! They are the PRODUCT of saving Faith!
Saving faith REALLY WORKS, but the works rely upon the saving Faith, not the Faith relying on the works.
(again, let's it delve into "maturity in Christ", or debates about "maintaining salvation", as this thread is about OBTAINING salvation.)
Part 2 summary:
Saving Faith comes through hearing (receiving) the Gospel,
believing in(acceptance of) His person(who Christ was) and work(what He did), - which is the Gospel,
and trust in(reliance upon) Christ alone for salvation.
Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead,
and faith in Christ and His sacrifice is enough to save us and grant us eternal life.