Yaaaay! Fun thread! I just got a gym membership for the first time in almost 10 years, last month! I'm loving it! I'm following this program
Bodybuilding.com - The Female Training Bible: Everything You Need To Get The Sexy Body You Desire! because I have no idea what to do in a gym (I've just been doing videos at home) and I NEED a plan. I can't just walk into the gym and make it up as I go along. Some things I think I could handle more of and some of it I barely make it through. Lol but I'm trying to take it slowly because I always end up pushing myself too hard and getting injured.
I work out 3-4 times a week and I try to eat as cleanly as possible, though this past week was an utter failure in that department. By the way, why didn't anyone tell me that lifting and working out this much would make me hungry ALL THE TIME?! Geez. All in all though, I'm thrilled! XD
edit: oh, and I usually use BodyRock for my HIIT workouts.