Number 4 is a recipe for abuse these days, especially in Christian marriages. Sorry, I've just read and studied about this issue in the church.
Of course, not every traditional marriage is abusive, but it opens the door to abuse by giving permission for the husband to dominate, including intimidation and physical, sexual abuse.
Better to be friends and equals, instead of a hierarchy that encourages obedience by the wife, while the husband does what he wants.
Number 4 was embrace Biblical roles for marriage. You say that is a recipe for abuse. So are you saying following the Bible on this issue is a recipe for abuse?
Before the sexual revolution and the feminist movement of the 60's and 70's, the divorce rate was much lower. Fewer children were born out of wedlock. Children had more stable homes. I'm thinking of the situation in the US, but I would imagine Canada was similar.
Where is the research that shows that those who embrace Biblical roles for marriage are more abusive?
Ephesians 4 teaches wives to submit to their husbands and I Peter 3 teaches the same thing, indicating also that wives are to obey their husbands. But Ephesians 4 also tells husbands to love their wives like Christ loved the church. If a man is an unloving, selfish, domineering type, a woman should stay away from him. Number 4 covers that. He's not embracing the Biblical role of a husband.
A small minority of women are abused, in the sense of being beaten, in their marriages. If you define 'abuse' broadly to include not giving her as much money as she wants any times she asks, giving her a 'look', using logic, quoting scripture to her, like some of the feminists in the domestic violence industry do, maybe the number aren't that low. Some people would define a Biblical, loving marriage that reflects the relationship between Christ and the church as 'abusive' if it doesn't fit with their feminist ideals.
I'd advise any Christian young man not to marry a woman who did not think that wives had to submit to their husbands. It's a recipe for trouble. If she's willing to accept the soft arguments that egalitarians put forth to fit with the world's thinking and satisfy her flesh with the idea that she doesn't have to submit to her husband, then she's likely to do the same when it comes to the issue of not divorcing her husband. A woman who doesn't embrace respecting her husband and submitting to him is likely to get into conflict with him. If she 'wears the pants' it's going to be difficult for her to respect her husband, and she may be more likely to be discontent with her husband.
My wife has intellectually embraced the idea of wives submitting to husbands and respecting them, but acting on it has been a struggle, especially some years back. As the Lord dealt with her and she was able to really embrace doing this and living that way, she found a great deal of peace and is a lot happier with our marriage.
It's a theory of mine based on anecdotal evidence, but it seems like whenever there is a post on a forum like this from a man whose wife left him for emotional reasons, she doesn't seem to be the type that embraces submission. Female posters who post things like that rarely seem to be the type who embrace submission. Submissive wives do post about cheating husbands and sometimes abusive husbands. But while finding a spouse, the right route for a woman to take is to avoid sexually immoral and abusive types of men, rather than to go into marriage with a desire to rebel against the scriptures, or theological reasoning to justify not following the scriptures.
Besides, the Bible is clear that Jesus is the only authority.
Jesus said all authority was given to Him on heaven and on earth-- before sending the apostles into all the world. He didn't say that He did not delegate authority. Why would He tell the apostles all authority had been given to them, and then say 'Go ye THEREFORE....' if He wasn't delegating something?
The wife has to answer to God on her own on Judgement Day. The husband will take his knocks or rewards, of course, but how much better not to set him up for failure by these stupid "roles" which place an unnecessary burden on both parties in the marriage.
In the judgment, we give an account for deeds done in the body. I don't see why marriage would be exempted. Wives are to submit to their husbands and husbands. The day of judgment is a good reason to do well in the roles scripture gives us in marriage, not to ignore them.