Nope I don't have disdain for God but I do hold disdain for men who fear an independent woman who is not afraid to voice her opinions or use her intellect.
I'm not afraid of a woman who is independent and afraid to voice her opinions. But if she's too opinionated and outspoken, I may find her annoying. But I'd find men who are the same way annoying as well.
If a woman is too independent, she doesn't need to get married. The same is true for men. If you don't have any need for a partner, why marry at all?
For example I’ve noticed some men drawing parallels between western women and women from Asian countries. These women from Asian countries must be so wonderful because they don't hanker after equality.
One easy detail to forget is that such countries are predominantly backward and poverty stricken.
Indonesia, for example is Muslim dominated.
I mentioned Indonesia. My wife is from there. Certain regions of Indonesia are predominantly Christian, and my wife is from a people-group that is predominantly Lutheran. The Islam if Indonesia isn't like the Islam of the middle east either. They are laid back about it, and women work in the workplace and don't generally consider themselves to be oppressed based on my years of interaction with Indonesian coworkers.
I also don't appreciate your insulting other countries. I lived in Indonesia for many years, and I love the country and it's people. I don't like it when you post something and certain other posters make ethnocentric comments ad insinuate that India is a backward country or insult India in some way. I've never been there, but I don't think at is an appropriate thing to do.
This was probably around 2000 or so, but I had a conversation with an Indian businessman in Indonesia and he was lamenting that though there was so much talent in India, the country had not developed as well as Indonesia with its infrastructure, water, sewage, etc. I never encountered piles of dung in the street in Jakarta. The UN Human Development Report and Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index both rank Indonesia well above India.
There are also aspects of Indonesian culture that I really appreciate. I do appreciate the fact that many women embrace being women and highly value caring for the home, even things like cooking, etc. I noticed this about the women I worked with in the office as well from the way they talked about their family life as well as from interacting with friends and in-laws.
It is good if women in a country aren't indoctrinated by feminism, if they aren't made to feel bad if they want to be stay at home moms, or if they aren't programmed to feel uncomfortable when they read scriptures that tell wives to submit to their husbands.
I would think if some guy is constantly asking for submission, it shows that he is a highly insecure man who is very much threatened by a self sufficient and strong woman.
It could be. He could also have a rebellious wife who needs instruction in this area. The topic rarely comes up in my marriage, at least as it relates to the two of us. A husband is to follow the example of Christ who washes the bride with the water of the word. No aspect of the word of God should be off topic for married couples to discuss.