So for the seasoned believer, sin - lost salvation - confessed - regained salvation? Genuine believers must confess their sins or will confess their sins? Confession is not forced or legalistic for genuine believers.
God will only withdraw His Spirit if He knows they will just refuse in confessing of their sin. God not choosing to abide with someone who does evil and or who does not care to say they are sorry for their sin is not wrong on God's part. God is Holy and He cannot justify someone who wants to hold onto their sin.
That is the label that you are so eager to stamp on Christians in the OSAS camp, "license to sin." I certainly don't teach that Christians have a license to sin but I don't teach sinless perfection either (1 John 1:8-2:1).
Because it is true. Most who teach OSAS do not teach holiness as the requirement (Of which you just admitted here). You are saying that no believer is to be perfect which again runs contrary to what Jesus said when he told us to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. For by saying you don't believe in sinless perfectionism is to say that you don't believe Jesus when He said to be perfect. Now, this does not mean, we will be perfect overnight. But by Jesus Christ, He will perfect us in time as we continue to walk with Him. For how can two walk together unless they are in agreement? How can one do evil and be in agreement with a Holy and righteous God?
So killing 1 person is just as bad as killing 1,000 people? No difference at all?
Sin is sin. Whether an individual murdered just 1 person or 1,000 people. God will be able to forgive them both equally the same; And if such sins were committted, then they need to both admitted before God (Regardless).
Do you take careful inventory of each and every sin that you commit as you commit them and confess each of them individually, not forgetting any? Do you believe that if you forget one you are toast?
When a seasoned believer sins, they know it (Unless they have become desensitized to sin or something in their life), in which case, they then need to repent. But if a believer is new, it is good they pray the Lord's pray if they are unsure of what sin is in their life. So the scenario you describe does not really exist. God will convict a believer to confess of their sin. If a believer keeps persisting to hold onto their sin and ignore the Spirit convicting them to repent (When they know they should), then they are in the wrong and God can withdraw from them.
Can you give me a specific list of each and every sin that you have committed since your conversion?
No. My personal life is between me and God; For it is not wise to do such things because people have lost their jobs, and many other things for admitting their thoughts and evils openly to the public. Besides, my past sins are forgiven. They have been erased by the blood of the Lamb because I went to Jesus.
I never said accumulate a bunch of sins and confess them when you feel like it. .
So we just do a generalized prayer of forgiveness on occasion? Is that it?
You are making 1 John 1:9 out to be more complicated than it really is. Read it in context with verse 8 and 10
No, I believe that is what you and others here have done. They have made 1 John 1:9 like some big hard to understand mess. I just read it and believe it. It says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. So if I confess, he will forgive. It's not complicated.
1 John 1:9 is in CONTRAST to verse 8 - if we say we have no sin and verse 10 - if we say we have not sinned.
No, Verse 8 and 10 does not change verse 9.
The word perfect comes from telo, end, goal, limit. Here it is the goal set before us, the absolute standard of our Heavenly Father. The word is used also for relative perfection as of adults compared with children. Are you sinless and perfect, without fault or defect, flawless, 100% of the time just like God the Father?
Jesus says be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus is telling us to work at attaining that. You say it is a goal but you really don't believe that because you don't believe a person in Christ will reach sinless perfectionism. But yet Jesus says we are to be perfect. Who am I going to believe? You or Jesus?
We all have sinned and we are not sinless,
Again, verse 23 is in context to verse 11 that is not talking about believers who walk in the Light as He is in the Light. It is referencing how all of humanity at one time or another had sinned.
without fault or defect, flawless 100% of the time as believers either. Now it sounds like you are teaching sinless perfection.
Not me. Jesus Christ. Yes, have believers sinned. Sure. The Bible records that fact many times. But what you will not find is God approving of believers in living in an unrepentant sinful lifestyle, though. What you will find is God calling His people to be Holy as He is Holy.
Believers receive eternal life through Jesus. Praise God! Unbelievers receive spiritual death, the wages of sin.
Just because a person is a believer in Jesus Christ does not mean anything. One has to actually repent and receive Jesus Christ and be transformed spirtually (Whereby good fruit will be evident in their life). They need to be a new creature in Christ. This is by the operation of God working in a person when they truly have humbled themselves before God and desired to be saved for real (With a Godly sorrow and not a worldly sorrow).