Jesus said, in Mathew 7:13-14, that there are only two roads to choose, the NARROW ROAD, AND THE WIDE ROAD! But Jesus said many will choose the road that leads to SPIRITUAL DEATH! Which road are you on? There are some things one must do to be sure they are on the narrow road, and apart from these there is NO salvation but death!(1 John 5:12) The truth is simple, REPENT, FORSAKE ALL YOUR SINS! And get baptized! Through your free will and ability God has given to you, In Repentance you die with Christ (to sin) crucify “your” flesh, (Gal 2-20) and your heart is made PURE by Faith Working by Love! (1 peter 1-22, Gal 5-6)(Evidence of a saving faith) Now you OBEY GOD Cleansed, Purged and Scrubbed Clean of all your overflow of wickedness and defilement (Gal 5-24) able to receive with meekness the implanted Word that can SAVE YOUR SOUL!) (Romans 6:4-6, James:1-21-23) Then Come Sorrowing after the Mercy of God, CLEARED of wrong doings by FORSAKING THEM ALL (past sins, never future sins, Romans 3-25) and making restitution where necessary. Vehemently desiring in your heart to OBEY HIM with great zeal and passion, presuming nothing and plead for Reconciliation. (2 Cor 5-11-21) (This is the Model of Redemption set forth in the Bible! (2Cor7:10-11) Thus the TRUE MEANING OF BIBLE REDEMPTION: ‘Release from bondage by Payment of Ransom! ’ What Jesus did on the Cross was NOT take anyone’s place, BUT Provide Himself as A SIN OFFERING (Heb 9-14) to Ransom Man and turn him from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan to God! (Acts 26-18) Hence the ‘Works’ of the Devil are DESTROYED and Man can be Restored to an upright heart. (1 JH 3-7-8) Now the Bible makes sense! DEEDS will be the deciding factor in your final Salvation, not some mystical Trust in an illusion. (Rom2:7-8, 1Pet1:17) Professed Christians today are believing ‘Everything’ but the Truth. Simply because most of them have NEVER been exposed to the truth. It’s an unfortunate reality however that their belief Systems has a very Strong tendency to Silence their Conscience to the CONVICTING POWER of the Holy Spirit. Thus when they do hear the Truth it cannot Cut them to the heart (Acts 2-37) so that they would be MOTIVATED TO REPENT. When a person is convinced that some form of Doctrine is Correct, it is almost impossible to persuade them otherwise. (2 Thess 2-11) To them the Bible Supports their fallacies and absolves them from Obedience. Given that the Substitution Model provides the PERFECT excuse for Sin, there is NOT much of a chance many will escape its clutches and see the Light before their time is up. If You Believe in God and Trust that Jesus is your Savior you NEED to get this Right! The Foundation on which you stand should be deeply rooted in the Truth. Don't rely on someone else to dig for you. (Luke 6:46-49)CHOOSE THE RIGHT ROAD! AND REMEMBER SIN IS A CHOICE, NOT A DISEASE WE INHERITED, OR WERE BORN INTO! Repent first. (Isa 55-7, Acts 3-19) Seek HIS mercy, and get BORN AGAIN! You must die once to be born again! (John 3:3) The Holy Spirit, can now indwell you, to produce good fruit, and guide you into all righteousness and TRUTH! (Eph 5:18)! Now FEAR GOD hope in His great mercy, forsake all the dead things of this world, and serve Him to the bitter end!