exactly so - so Evolution is a belief system a sort of religiously believed system - btw no one is disputing true science but what is being refuted is pseudo/phony non science posing as science and giving science a bad reputation - wincam
That's not what was said or inferred at all. You're misrepresenting what was said to confirm your own bias.
I acknowledged that I didn't care about evolution or the "science" behind it. Instead of reading about rubbish I will rather study my Bible.
I appreciate the honesty, but if you don't care to understand what evolution actually is, then don't makes claims about evolution as if you do know. Or at the very least, be willing to correct your views about evolution if you're corrected.
If I say, "Nowhere does the Bible claim x" and someone corrects me, then I'm going to look into the statement I said and the evidence presented and correct myself accordingly. It would be dishonest to say, "Nowhere does the Bible claim x", then turn around and say, "I don't care to study the Bible - it's rubbish.", then continue arguing that the "Bible never claimed x". This is precisely what you're doing, and it's wrong.
Modern or not, it's an ape.
Well, yes, you're right. But there's still a fundamental difference between modern ape and ancient ape.
Just respect that people do not necessarily believe what you believe, nor are they interested.
If they aren't interested in evolution, they shouldn't talk about evolution.
Everybody has been taught evolution in school. I was agnostic while in school so that's as unbiased as it gets.
As I mentioned before, being an atheist or an agnostic doesn't necessarily make you more scientifically literate. Most people, theist and atheist, have a very poor understanding of science - including evolution.
Sorry I was never convinced into the soup thing and that something came out of nothing
This refers to abiogenesis, not evolution. Furthermore, nobody argued that life came from nothing.
that life emerged out of something dead
Who claims it did? But again, this refers to abiogenesis.
and that all this complexity we see developed by accident (and from scratch).
An accident implies a plan gone awry. There was no plan, so evolution wasn't an accident or success - it just happened through natural means. Or, if you're a theist who accepts evolution, you might argue that evolution occurred according to God's plans. Either way, evolution wasn't an accident.
Calling a natural event an accident is like saying a lake
accidentally froze when temperatures dropped.
P.S. and yeah, none of the 3 has been observably confirmed. These things go against the law of physics and all possible laws of nature. Then you want people to think it credible! There's no way how: something out of nothing, life out of death and intelligent design on accident - all 3 classify as a MIRACLE. That kind of stuff simply doesnt happen even given billions of years... of course unless you believe in God...
Since you were wrong on all 3 accounts, I guess we don't have to worry about these complications.