That's not what was said or inferred at all. You're misrepresenting what was said to confirm your own bias.
I appreciate the honesty, but if you don't care to understand what evolution actually is, then don't makes claims about evolution as if you do know. Or at the very least, be willing to correct your views about evolution if you're corrected.
If I say, "Nowhere does the Bible claim x" and someone corrects me, then I'm going to look into the statement I said and the evidence presented and correct myself accordingly. It would be dishonest to say, "Nowhere does the Bible claim x", then turn around and say, "I don't care to study the Bible - it's rubbish.", then continue arguing that the "Bible never claimed x". This is precisely what you're doing, and it's wrong.
Well, yes, you're right. But there's still a fundamental difference between modern ape and ancient ape.
If they aren't interested in evolution, they shouldn't talk about evolution.
As I mentioned before, being an atheist or an agnostic doesn't necessarily make you more scientifically literate. Most people, theist and atheist, have a very poor understanding of science - including evolution.
This refers to abiogenesis, not evolution. Furthermore, nobody argued that life came from nothing.
Who claims it did? But again, this refers to abiogenesis.
An accident implies a plan gone awry. There was no plan, so evolution wasn't an accident or success - it just happened through natural means. Or, if you're a theist who accepts evolution, you might argue that evolution occurred according to God's plans. Either way, evolution wasn't an accident.
Calling a natural event an accident is like saying a lake accidentally froze when temperatures dropped.
Since you were wrong on all 3 accounts, I guess we don't have to worry about these complications.
Yes, atheists when proven wrong normally resort to empty rhetorics, demagogy and terminology to evade answering the tricky parts of their belief system. Just as you admitted in your next post "we dont have a definite answer yet". This is because you wont accept the Biblical answer, and that's okay, we all have a choice; but dont call these scenarios scientific. They are not. Things that are explained within natural laws, even fictiously like in theoretizing in math are all science. But if things contradict natural laws they are MIRACLE by definition.
Whether we call things this or that way, it's correct both ways: life does not emerge out of something inanimate, to say it differently as you objected for my innacuracy because I said "something dead". It's correct either way you want to call it, life does not emerge out of something inanimate. You also had objection that I was addressing abiogenesis when we're talking about evolution. But that supposed pre-ancestor of man had to come from somewhere. If God did not create us, then he had to progressively come from that soup - where else?
Speciation aka adaptation is proven science. What is not proven science is one-kind-into-another progression, such as, reptiles into birds - these things have NEVER been proven, with all these fossils laying around that atheists are examining to prove the theory. There has NEVER been found ANY transitional fossil from one
kind to another. Never. So called microevolution or
speciation of a kind (such as wolf and dog probably originating from the same kind, or one species of bird developing into another) is somewhat observed, and also Biblical, but that's speciation and adaptation,
not evolution. Furthermore, there has NEVER been proven addition of new genetic information to create a more complex organism. Only corruption and loss. A man is incredibly more complex than amoeba: to supposedly create another kind, an insane amount of new information must be added, and this information must function together well enough during the process that the organism survives and stay strong to pass it on. Even given billions of years this simply does not happen by natural laws. Genetic mutations only cause illness and death, that's all, and else is just
adaptation aka speciation, different color of hair, taller growth, thicker eyelids for people adapted to snowy areas... this does not ever create another
kind of organism, just species within the same kind. Evolution theory proponents use the misnomer evolution for adaptation in order to claim that kind transitioning is also a proven fact, when it is not. This confusion of terms is not very scientific.
Why do men think the laws of nature are in place? They are in place so when something out of these laws happens, man might know that it is supernatural and caused by interference of someone/something out of the universe Which/Who is above these laws, that all the matter subjects to. So man can understand and know it as a sign of divine origin, and that it's not just a "normal" thing. To be pulled by gravity is natural and normal. To suddenly start flying and defy the laws of nature, like say, Jesus ascended, and this not be repeatable event for other men under specified conditions, is a miracle, not science or laws of nature. Same goes for abiogenesis, creation ex nihilo (in Biblical version, it's actually by the Word of God) and complex organisms from scratch (in atheist version, without an intelligent designer involved, to comply to your request that "accident" is a wrong term). This is why the Bible says that atheists have no excuse!
Btw, when we're talking about the laws of nature, something just hit me, the second law of thermodynamics says,
the entropy of a system never decreases, but, will
spontaneously evolve toward maximum entropy.
The result of spontaneous evolving of things causes only more disorder and chaos. Yet this universe is full of
laws that the whole matter subjects to. Not to even venture much into what this tells about theory of evolution which believes that it is possible for a functioning complexity to
spontaneously evolve into an even greater order of functioning complexity.
I'll try to be more precise:
-SOMETHING EMERGING OUT OF NOTHING (smashingly breaking laws of physics)
-LIFE EMERGING OUT OF INANIMATE SOURCE (which is the basis for theory of evolution to work on because you have to have that imaginary ancestor of man come from
somewhere; again completely defying natural laws)
This is what atheists actually believe - no matter if a term might be not 100% accurate here and there, but I did try to be accurate. To me, it's unbelieveable how great faith it takes. Atheists believe in greater miracles than Christians.
mir•a•cle (mĭrˈə-kəl)► n.
An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: