The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a Broken Heart; and Saveth such as be of a Contrite spirit. Psalms
whether its a broken heart over your sin, or brokeness that comes from realizing How short you fall on a daily bases as you walk in Him, God is NIGH unto those, He truly is, Holy Ghost Gospel Power is found in Broken vessels, not prideful puffed up individuals.. nooooo.. and the Way God breaks those hard Hearts is to set them before the Tree where they murdered His Son.. and show the that it was nothing by their merits that they Obtained salvation, but it was found in Him as He was Gracious and Loving to 'Save ' them.. a Broken soft heart is a Heart that can Recieve His Word as He plants it there.. hard hearts, the seed just falls away when persecution or distress or affliction arises because of Christ... God has His Ways of getting those Hearts soft and malliable, its thru the REVELATION of His Unmerited goodness in that persons life.. a revelation of Mercy, Truth and Love that will have the hardest heart, weeping and sorry for their blindness and giving it all to Him.. when that Happens, the Angels of God Truly Do Rejoice!
whether its a broken heart over your sin, or brokeness that comes from realizing How short you fall on a daily bases as you walk in Him, God is NIGH unto those, He truly is, Holy Ghost Gospel Power is found in Broken vessels, not prideful puffed up individuals.. nooooo.. and the Way God breaks those hard Hearts is to set them before the Tree where they murdered His Son.. and show the that it was nothing by their merits that they Obtained salvation, but it was found in Him as He was Gracious and Loving to 'Save ' them.. a Broken soft heart is a Heart that can Recieve His Word as He plants it there.. hard hearts, the seed just falls away when persecution or distress or affliction arises because of Christ... God has His Ways of getting those Hearts soft and malliable, its thru the REVELATION of His Unmerited goodness in that persons life.. a revelation of Mercy, Truth and Love that will have the hardest heart, weeping and sorry for their blindness and giving it all to Him.. when that Happens, the Angels of God Truly Do Rejoice!