The Bible in it's original language, I am pretty sure we can trust a God who promises to keep His word, to preserve His word for ever tribe, tongue, and nation as he promises too.
That's funny you ask for a specific date but evolutionists can't get a specific date - +_ 200,000 years here or there.
If I wanted to go through myself with the timeline I could, I'd come up with something close to Ussher's.
Nitty gritty, you refuse to come to Jesus so that you may have life - no amount of arguing will work for you - may God smash your idols and get you to a place of repentance
What is the original language of the bible?
How could you know whatever your answer is for sure since there are no original documents.
You are saying that God's words are true because God says so.
Isn't that one of your logical fallacies you are so quick to point out, even though yours are highly suspect?
I don't need a specific date for how old the earth is or much of anything else. I don't care if the earth is 4.6 billion years old or 2 billion years old. I'll go with what the overwhelming evidence of the vast majority of credible scientists is. If that age of the earth changes, fine with me.
YECs, however, can not deviate much from around 6,000 years old for the age of the world, earth, animals, humans et al.
If they do deviate from around 6,000 years, everything falls apart even more than it already has. Think Egypt, as only one problem area.
Most YECs and Answers In Genesis (which you referred to today), Institute for Creation Research, and the ilk stick with Ussher's chronology. Not exactly to the date of creation as 4004 BC but generally to the tune of around 6,000 years for the date of creation.
Ussher's chronology was in the King James bible, and many others, for several hundred years.
Why do suppose it was taken out?
With respect to your last sentence, who are you talking to?
Are you referring to me?