What I wonder when I see threads about this is: What do they do with the King James Bible?
(I suppose they don't read it)
I didnt check the thread out, only that I know that is the online joke that there are those who are spoofed upon as the online grammar and spelling police because they are typically annoying.
"O goodness, I forgot to dot an i cross a t, and put i before e and didnt use the notorious "your" correctly (or care to because I never do) or could have somehow wrote that better (to impress you) or at least fall under your radar.
I just dont care.
I dont add apostrophes often or use spellcheck and I am not the sharpest tool in the shed so my posts will be laden with nit picky type errors like that.
I wont remember anyway even if I cared to for a terrible memory over those and other sorts of things. I write down everything. I repeat things to myself constantly. I sticky myself to death and snaggit reminders to study something the second anything comes to me, or I will forget those things as fast as things come (they go just as quickly).
They are just very small things to me. I know I have bigger fish to fry on my own end, like catching myself before buy the same blue sweatshirt for the 7th time in a row. I actually counted them the other day I bought seven of them (at different times) recently because I dont recall buying all of them. There was around 4 other things I must have bought twice over that I can recall and something like that or a larger scale because I didnt catch myself on them. So Im not going to remeber that sort of thing.
I am constantly trying to catch myself in those sorts of things, so I try not to sweat the small stuff, and all that is such microscopic stuff (to me) Even though I am aware that it is of huge importance to certain folks on the internet (to have you to know this about yourself) like I dont? Or that I care as deeply about it as they do?
Well, they will just have to manage their own selves over their own quirkiness when it comes to others undotted i's and uncrossed t's.
We might equally irk each other, whereas I forget about it and they seem to stew over it more, and live to point these things out in others (some of them). But Im not changing for them (or anyone) I honestly cant be bothered with that.